Episode 80. Struggling to buy food to million dollar business with Genevieve Rackham

February 16, 2023 01:03:00
Episode 80. Struggling to buy food to million dollar business with Genevieve Rackham
Consciously Thriving Podcast
Episode 80. Struggling to buy food to million dollar business with Genevieve Rackham

Feb 16 2023 | 01:03:00


Show Notes

In this weeks episode, guest Genevieve Rackham joins us to talk all things money manifestation. Genevieve shares her stories on how she went from being completely broke, barely meeting her survival needs to creating a successful million dollar business where she teaches woman how to tap into the energetics of money manifestation and scale their […]
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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:00 You wouldn't have the desires that you have if they weren't available to you right now. And I really want you to sit with that, because if your desires are not in your reality, the only reason is because you haven't been aligning to them. If manifesting your desires has been feeling like you're pushing shit up a hill, it feels like absolute struggle straight. And as a result of that, your manifestations just feel far and few between. If you feel confused about how to make your desires every reality, nothing you do seems to work, you get sparks of inspiration, and then it's gone the next day and you go straight back into questioning. You go straight back into lack. You go straight back into thinking, is this even possible for me? Can I even do this? And as a result, you disconnect from your intuition. You disconnect from that desire, and you move from that place. Speaker 0 00:00:59 And then you don't see the results in your physical reality, right? The results aren't presenting themselves, and then you lose hope. And that's not the life that you set out to create. You went on this path of manifesting your dreams into reality because you desire a life of freedom because you desire a life of play, of fun, of ease in every single way possible. You didn't go on this path to make shit harder for yourself. You're moving away from that. And that is what it feels like when you are manifesting and working with true soul aligned desire. It is supposed to feel effortless. It is supposed to feel like solar aligned opportunities just fall on your lap because they do. When you are working with your desires, when you are aligning with your desires, there is no pushing. There is no trying to make this work. There is no wishing and hoping there is just experiencing whatever you want right now. And the aligned masterclass that I will be running on the 21st of February will show you exactly how to be a magnet towards your desires to get out of the energy of trying to make it work, to experiencing your desires. Now it's for free, and the link to signup is in the description below. Speaker 0 00:02:33 Hello and welcome back to another episode of the Consciously Thriving Podcast. Hello and Speaker 1 00:02:39 Welcome back. Speaker 0 00:02:41 We Oh yeah, we are so excited today. Like excitement is an understatement for how we feel about this episode because we have the money Queen, the money master, the money guru herself in the house. Genevieve, thank you so much for being here. Speaker 2 00:02:58 Best intro ever. <laugh> Speaker 0 00:02:59 <laugh>. Speaker 2 00:03:02 I love it. Thank you so much for having me. I'm excited. Speaker 0 00:03:04 Oh my goodness. Like we, Nadia and I have been speaking about you to everyone, our listeners, our friends, like as soon as we got introduced to your world, we're like, oh my God, everyone needs her magic. Everyone needs her in, in your life. Like the listeners right now, you're in for a fucking treat. Like just this conversation alone will have the ability to completely transform your life. And I know that that sounds like dramatic, but it's not like I kid you not, what was it, n November, where we were introduced to your work properly and I brought your book Sexy Money, and then we've joined Potency. You've changed my life. Like I was actually having this conversation with another friend that's in your world now, and I'm just like, the amount of momentum we've actually had has been unlike anything before. And we've done like a lot of programs <laugh>. Speaker 2 00:03:51 Oh, that makes me so happy. Speaker 3 00:03:53 <laugh>. Like, I found Genevieve like so long ago. Like, I think I mentioned it to you like on Manifestation Babe story, like, oh, like You, like so long ago. And then I I, it was like back and forth and I had been following you, and then I remember Sheila like mentioned like your work and like, oh, I know this girl. I've Speaker 2 00:04:11 Seen her before. I love it. Speaker 0 00:04:13 <laugh>. I love it. So, sorry, go ahead. Speaker 2 00:04:19 I just said, you guys are so sweet. <laugh> Speaker 0 00:04:22 <laugh>. No, we're like literally obsessed with your work. Like, just for reference for the listeners, I joined Potency, my intuition kicked in and it was like, you're gonna do this program. I just heard the word and I didn't even know about like what it was, what it ha I didn't know the price, I didn't know what it involved, I didn't know anything. I was just like, okay, I'm doing that right. And I was like, the next time this woman goes on her stories and says, potency is like open for enrollment, I'm in. So it was like a week later that happened and I was like, I'm in no questions asked. So I didn't, and then I remember like, this work was just, it filled the dots. Like it's like we had all these questions and we were like manifesting, but it wasn't exponential. Like it wasn't consistent even, right? And it's like we didn't really understand what we were even doing energetically. Like we had an understanding, but not like, not as like, it's like potency and you have like filled the dots, like the inbetweens and it's all made sense. And now we've really, like, we get it like energetically. So I'm gonna stop like fangirling over you. <laugh>. I Speaker 2 00:05:23 Left it so much <laugh>, and Speaker 0 00:05:25 I Speaker 2 00:05:25 Love that you said you heard the word potency because literally, like when I did this program, like this program was channeled because, um, literally like, it, it was like this program came to me and I just kept hearing the word in my head, potency, potency, potency. And I was like, what the fuck? And then I just kept feeling the energy of the word potency and it was like, it, you know, for the definition of the word, it was like potency, potency, potency. And I was like, interesting. And so I just kind of like allowed it to land in like my field. And then I started downloading like the concepts of like the quantum field and stuff like that because I, I, I felt kind of similar to how you guys felt at a point with quantum work where it was like mm-hmm. <affirmative>, I mean it sounds cool in theory, but this doesn't actually make any fucking sense at all. Speaker 2 00:06:07 Or it's like, there's not that way to like really ground it in and really like put those pieces together. And um, I was playing in quantum like experiences with money and life in general and I just like, it felt a little bit random because I didn't quite conceptualize the entirety of the concept of quantum manifesting Right. And quantum money. And so I just kind of like really dialed in the specifics, applied it, and then I went from like 60 K and one month to 1 44 the next month. And I was like, yeah, we're onto something here. <laugh>. Yeah, Speaker 0 00:06:37 <laugh>. Speaker 3 00:06:39 Oh, sorry, sorry. Go. Speaker 2 00:06:40 Oh, no, it's okay. Um, but it was just like, as I applied it more and more and more, it was like, um, it just kept having like exponential growth. And then, you know, same things would happen with my close proximity clients, like 20 K to 40 K in one month, 40 K to 94 K, you know, just like crazy shit. And I was like, we're onto something here, <laugh>. And then, um, it was like the key, like kind, the fundamental like the three pillars of potency was how I originally explained it. But then it was like, we got into like really what these mean and why these matter to like play in the quantum world of manifesting and manifesting money specifically because Yay fun. Speaker 0 00:07:16 Yeah. Sorry, nad do you wanna say something? Go ahead. Speaker 3 00:07:19 Oh, no, I was just gonna say like, when I was going into potency, like all the times that I was manifesting things, I'm like, oh, that's what was happening. Like, that actually explains it now. Cuz I remember like Ms. Shirley, I'm like, sometimes this is happening. Sometimes I'm in this energy, sometimes it's like I'm excited for it and then it's happening. And sometimes it's just like, I'm like, and then when it's like all the dots, like, like Sheila said, like finally connected, I was like, I get it, I understand it now. <laugh>. Speaker 0 00:07:46 Yeah, no, like when I first did it. So when I, I love that you said that about the name because that's what it was like, like when that name downloaded and you were like, potency. Potency. That's how I was hearing it. So I like, I feel like that's so validating to how my intuition was like potency. Potency was just like ringing in my head and I was like, I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna do it. Like, it was just no questions asked. So there was, there's a lot of like power behind that word and listeners like, if you wanna know what the fuck we're talking about, join potency, go get it because it'll change your life. But basically I did that and then I was trying to have like conversations with naia cuz we are like, we nerd about these things, right? So I'm like telling her of all these amazing things I'm learning, but it wasn't landing like it was, if you were in the actual container. Speaker 0 00:08:28 I was like, you need to hear it from the source yourself. So literally <laugh> got Nadia to do potency as well, changed her life. And then we even got another friend to do potency. Not like, I didn't kind of like make her like I did Nadia <laugh>, but uh, with the other friend, I would just couldn't stop shutting up about it because it was literally changing my life that she was like, well, I need to see what this is about. So she, she joined as well, which was incredible. So I'm gonna stop myself there because we're gonna get into all of this. But just for, for the listeners who don't know who you are, who don't know what type of work you do, if you could explain like what you do and yeah. What it is you do. Speaker 2 00:09:03 I do basically all, everything and all things money and specifically at the core of it there, it's a very fundamental conversation around energetics, right? Because I think a lot of people look for a lot of answers in the wrong places. And so they're not able to create a fundamentally, like a fundamental shift in their experience and relationship to money. Um, or they're not able to create something. It, they're living in a feeling of like, anything I'm able to create financially, it feels like I'm just scratching the surface, right? Or it feels like that was fun. Where to go, <laugh>, right? Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And so we, I, in my world, we operate at the root of what actually makes things work with money and why, and what creates those substantial fundamental shifts and changes. And um, you know, that includes conversations around like energetics, belief system work, obviously identity work, pattern work, quantum work, all of these things. Speaker 2 00:09:57 Um, but you know, for my fun little elevator pitch, <laugh>, you know, like what I, what I focus on fundamentally is, um, the leading forefront of my work is, you know, having an amazing relationship with money, having an amazing experience with money, and, um, allowing yourself to be kind of like fully tapped into the resources that are available to you, right? And so this means like financial empowerment, education for women predominantly and whoever else, vibes. And then I also offer close proximity mentorship for legacy led women, right? So the women who wanna build businesses, the women who are on the leading edge of their careers and they wanna like dial up the fuck up and go like so big with this shit. That's what my kind of close proximity work is for. But overall, it's conversations around just like your life gets to be really fucking good and like, let's do the work that actually fucking works. Love that Schulz, you're, um, it's, it's not coming through. <laugh>. Speaker 0 00:10:53 <laugh>. Speaker 2 00:10:54 There we go. Speaker 0 00:10:54 Sorry, I muted my microphone so you wouldn't hear my Okay. <laugh>, I was saying I fucking love that. And something I find really special about you and your work is the fact that you don't, like, you don't have caps on who you work with. Like you work with anyone at any time of their business. And I think that that is like really important and special to note because a lot of like money coaches in this work are work like in this world are working with people who are already making like, you know, 60 K months or a hundred K months. Like they have like a capstone where they start working with women. And I just found that really, uh, appealing about you that you don't like have that you are just like, it doesn't matter where you are because it doesn't matter in the end. This work applies to you at any point. Speaker 2 00:11:40 Yeah. You know, I find that sometimes, like the conversations I've had with clients who are, have had their first a hundred thousand dollars month in business or whatever, like, it, it's like when you break it down, like the simplicity of it is a conversation I would have with someone who's trying to have their first 20 K month in business or whatever, right? And obviously these are just like generalizations of mile markers of income levels, but, and there's more to it than that obviously, but, um, you know, I have, I would say like the majority of the people who come into close proximity are usually people who are more, I guess, further along or a little bit more advanced, um, specifically like one-to-one. Um, and like Desire, money, legacy, my Mastermind. Um, but that's why I created Money Elevated as like that mid-level section of like, I don't care what your career is. Speaker 2 00:12:25 I don't care if you don't even have a job like, <laugh>, this work works for everyone, let's fucking do it. You know, because as I've done this work over the years, I've worked with so many different people in so many different situations from so many different backgrounds, and so like, so many different variables and things going on, and it's worked for everyone. And so I'm like, let's just open up that mid-level way to like, have people have access to this work. And I also fucking love it. So I was like another avenue. Um, but you know, even in my close proximity Mastermind, I have someone in there who is just starting her business and it's, it's not so much to me about where the person is at. It's more so who the person is, is what makes us a good fit, right? Hmm. And so it, you can be the person who has this calling can be the person who's ready right now, regardless of where you're at, you know? Speaker 2 00:13:12 And I think having, in my world specifically, like in my close proximity, for example, like there's people in like different levels and things like that. The majority are further along, but there are still like those newer people or those people who are getting more familiar with the work, but it's like what they all have in common is it's who they are. They're showing up for it and they're ready right now and they're doing the damn thing, right? But it's like, um, I like that variety because I think it adds something really powerful, specifically to a mastermind. And even for me, where it's like someone who's in the beginning stages, like there is a, there's a level of courage, there's a level of bravery, there's a level of like showing up with like, what's, what's the phrase? Like, um, you know, and bushy-tailed, you know, that I think some people who have been doing it longer can lose or disconnect from or whatever. Speaker 2 00:14:00 And so I think having like that, that mix is really important because, you know, when I have what I've kind of referred to as like the chicken nuggets who come into my world or whatever, um, and they're like, I don't care if you think I need to be at X amount or whatever, which I don't say that. Like, I know I need to be in this container. And I'm like, perfect, come on in <laugh>. You know? Um, and they, um, they provide something really powerful and important for the people who are further along in business. They remind them of, of those powerful and important fundamentals. And also they put themselves in a room in a space where it's like they get to benefit from people who have been doing it longer, who are a little further ahead, who are making more money or whatever, and be expanded, right? Like typically, not always, but I would say the majority of the time, the spaces I play and I'm the fucking chicken nugget <laugh>. You know what I mean? Because like, because it's like, that's what I want. I wanna expand, I wanna be expanded, you know? Speaker 0 00:14:54 Yeah. I love that. I would love for you to also even go into your money story, because I read, the first time I ever read about it was in Sexy Money, and I was consuming your lives at that point. That was when I was like, consuming your free content. And I was like, oh my God, this, this chick's amazing. And then I bought sexy money, and then I actually learned like where you came from and what you went through. And I remember thinking, like, when I was looking at my own money stories, I was like, sure. I was like, I felt like a little bitch. I was like, what are you doing? Like, you just talking about this. Well, she's like, you know, sitting there like, at one point you were even struggling to get food. So I'd love for you to actually go into that story because I think it's easy for people to look at where you are now having these conversations and go, yeah, but it's easy for her, but they forget like what you had to do to get to this sport, like this place. Speaker 2 00:15:40 Yeah, definitely. You know, I would say the, um, the biggest piece, like there was a phase of life when I first started doing this work. Like I just like, was really conditioned and programmed and patterned for lack and scarcity, you know, like it was just, uh, not, there wasn't stability. And like, I had all of these like fucked up patterns with money and what I associated with money because it was like, I couldn't see, like, my parents were divorced and it was like, I couldn't see my dad because he can't afford it. And so there was like, money's tied into that, and it was like, um, we either don't have stability or when we do, it's because, uh, we're having to essentially tolerate abuse. It was like the only time we had financial stability was when my stepfather was around and he was very abusive, right? Speaker 2 00:16:23 And eventually, like, he was in and out kind of a thing. And like, when he was out, it was like, there was kind of this energy of like, stability, like having financial stability equals abuse equals not being safe in other ways. And then there was a, or like at the core root of it, it was like, just money is not consistent. Money's not stable, money's not for me, money's really fucking hard. The lack, scarcity, never enough, never lasts. Like all of these things. And so there were phases where it was like lights were getting shut off, you know, like, um, not having groceries, not having food. And then like that programming con and conditioning was very like, apparent and loud for me in my own experiences, um, in the, uh, like in my early adulthood. And when I started to look at these things, like I could see the commonalities, like I was in a controlling relationship at the time. Speaker 2 00:17:10 And, um, I was in a phase of like, either there, there were times where it's like he would feed me or like things like that, or I'd have some stability with him, but it was like I had to tolerate dysfunction and toxicity in our relationship dynamic. Um, or it was like, I just felt so wildly incapable and like every avenue I tried just didn't resort in money or enough to even like have my basic needs met to survive and things like that. And so it just was reinforcing those patterns and those narratives. And so, um, you know, there was, when I first started looking at all of this stuff and being willing to change it, like that was the biggest piece, right? Like, I had to be willing to accept that something else was available. I had to be willing to accept that something else was available to me. Speaker 2 00:17:56 And like, I really des desired it, not, not necessarily from a place of lacker, from need, although kind of, but it changed into like, there's this deep, deep part of myself, like deep in my heart and soul that knows I can have something else, you know, that knows that I can have like beautiful, safe love and like, be really financially supported. Like money can be a source of ease in my life. Like, I can be like financially like well off and even more so, right? And not just have the money and, but make the money the way I want to make the money doing work that I'm in love with, making the money doing work that feels really fucking important and matters and meaningful to me. And so I just, I started with my blueprint of what I wanted and I just fucking started to do the work, you know? Speaker 2 00:18:41 But there were processes, <laugh>, which I think, which I think I, we talked about this in one of my lives recently, right? Where it was like, then I was like, did I put this in my books? Sometimes? I can't remember. Yeah, I remember <laugh> The Onion Flakes. <laugh>. Yeah, the Onion Flakes. <laugh>. Ok. Um, when I fir, for those of you who don't know, but I talk about this in my book a little bit, but it's like, when I first moved out on my own, my twin sister and I moved into a studio house with, um, one other person. So it was three people, three dogs, no power. And we were just getting by and we were really trying to get out of, like, we moved out as soon as we turned 18. We tried to move out sooner, but <laugh> we weren't, we weren't legally allowed. Um, and we were just trying to get away from abuse and toxicity and things like that. And so we just went to like a friend's house that we met on the internet, <laugh>, and moved in, moved in with them like eight hours away and we're like, let's fucking do this thing. Oh, wow. But, um, yeah, no power. And we were just very like much scraping by based on like money that we saved from a movie theater job we had when we were teenagers. And so we were living off savings and our savings was like $200 <laugh>. Wow. And, um, it was like, which to me at the time was like, I'm a millionaire <laugh>. Speaker 2 00:19:53 And, um, I was like, oh my god, $200 <laugh>. Um, but yeah, we were living off that and then trying to like, create consistency in the, I guess, joint business we had at the time, which was psychic and intuitive readings. Um, and weren't having a whole lot of luck in that. Um, it was just very inconsistent, not stable, whatever. And there was a, there was a day and there was a time where we were hungry. We didn't have, we very much were budgeted with things with money where it was like, for breakfast we would have a smoothie, which was like bananas, strawberries, coconut water, um, all very cheap things. <laugh>, right? Yeah. And, um, for lunch we would buy like the, we would buy like really cheap pasta and we would like mix hummus into it and like, like vegetables if we could Wow. At the time, which was bougie <laugh>. Speaker 2 00:20:43 And for dinner it was just like potatoes and, and rice, like just very cheap, like things that would fill us up mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Um, but one day we were hungry and we were very much like our stuff was portioned out and then money for dog food of course, right? Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And then, um, our money was portioned out for the week, and if we were to eat, um, we would've gone into like the food that we had for like breakfast the next day or whatever, and that would've fucked us over later. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And so we just found some onion flakes, <laugh>, and we just started eating them, and we looked at each other like, what the fuck <laugh>? Like, this is a moment that we're gonna fucking remember later. And now it's in my book, which Yeah. Yeah. That whole thing where it's like, this is gonna be in my book. It is <laugh>. <laugh>. Speaker 0 00:21:28 Wow. I just, I think it's wild to like, think about That's what, what you were struggling with, like actual survival needs not being met with in regards to money. So what was like the turning point for you to be like, I'm fucking done with this. Like, I'm, I'm done with this money story. How did you even like, get into the work that you're doing now? Speaker 2 00:21:49 Well, to be honest, I, I just felt, I felt really, really, really sick of being where I was and being in the situation that I was. And it felt like just no amount of improvement lasted because it didn't <laugh>, it felt like it was just so fucking hard. And like it took so much energy to even try and meet the baseline of having my, my survival needs met, right? And I got to this point where, um, I remember having a fight, like, I can see this, this moment very vividly in my head. Um, I'm sitting at a dining room table at my mom's house, and I had just gotten into a fight with my boyfriend at the time, the controlling one. And, um, he left and I was like, oh, and I was hungry. And, um, I was like, oh, I'm not gonna be able to eat now. Speaker 2 00:22:46 And I had felt like I was putting in so much intentionality into my, my relationship with money and or meaning I had just started putting intentionality into it, right. And I was like, just felt really defeated and I felt really, I felt really broken down by it, you know? And I remember having thoughts of just feeling so defeated and like trigger warning. I wanted to unlive myself. And like, that thought was so, so, so loud and so vivid in my, in, in me at that time. Like, I felt so defeated, I felt so powerless. I felt like nothing was gonna get better. I felt really stuck in every way. And like, I remember like my thoughts on my head, it was like, just go upstairs and go do it. And I was like, and I, I remember like, my body felt like it weighed like a thousand pounds and it was like, I just felt so heavy and so dense, and I was like, had this moment. And I was like, I'm, I'm done with this. Struggling. Like I'm done with it. And if I get emotional, <laugh>, <laugh>, pardon me. But, um, no Speaker 0 00:23:53 Emotional. Speaker 2 00:23:54 I've, I've, I've shared this enough where usually I cannot cry when saying it, but if it happens, it happens. But <laugh>. But, um, I just remember like, I was like, I'm, I'm done with this, and so whatever that means is whatever that means. And my brain was like, I know what it means. Go upstairs and unlive yourself right now, you know? And I was like, um, and like I, my, my, I felt my whole like body, my whole mind, everything going into shock. And I was just like, couldn't believe that I was about to do that. And my brain was like, do it, do it now. Like, go upstairs now before you chicken out, like, kind of thing. Like do it like, because you're just gonna end up back in this situation feeling like this. And Speaker 0 00:24:36 Deep breaths, <laugh>. Thank you for sharing it. I'm sure it's a really hard story to tell. Speaker 2 00:24:43 Yeah. It's, it's, it is. But it isn't. But it was just like, it's, it's real and it's emotional and it's, um, it's how I actually felt, you know? Yeah. And, um, yeah. Speaker 0 00:25:00 And then take a moment. Take a you so fine to take a moment. Yeah, yeah. Take a moment. Take a breather. Speaker 3 00:25:05 Yeah. Cause I was actually like, ugh. Speaker 0 00:25:08 I was like, yeah, <laugh>. I'm like, I know those moments are really fucked up and they're so real and they're hard. I had a moment like that before entering this world as well, so I know it's, it's wild to think that you are actually going to do it. Speaker 3 00:25:22 Yeah. And like that money can do this cause it happens to people like money, like controls it. Speaker 2 00:25:29 It's true. Yeah. People feel really controlled by it. And I know I did for sure, but it was also like that moment was actually also really healing for me. Speaker 0 00:25:38 Hmm. Speaker 2 00:25:39 I think that's one of the reasons why it's so emotional is because it's like, it was healing for me because I got to like, it felt like I got into like the bottom of the barrel of like my heart and soul mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And I got to this point where I was like, I cannot believe mm-hmm. <affirmative> that I'm thinking about doing this because of how I feel like, because of how I feel about money, because of how I feel about my relationship, you know, like, because of where I'm at and I just feel so powerless. And I was like, it was healing for me because in that moment I made a decision. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, you can guess which one. It wasn't based on <laugh> that I'm here, <laugh>, you know? And, um, you know, I made a decision and I was like, money will never have power over me like this ever again. Speaker 2 00:26:25 And not because I'm gonna go make it and like fill a fucking hole in myself, but because I'm going to completely fundamentally change my relationship and experience of it, my relationship to it and experience of it. And so like that moment, like something inside of me shifted where it was like, I really need this. Like, I'm so done with this and I'm done with this. Not because I need to leave my body, but I'm done with this because things are gonna change, you know? Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And that moment was like where I felt this sense of like, <laugh>, it was like, um, what's the word? It was like that scene in the movie where they get to the top of the mountain. Like, you know, like you're like, I have to now I like, I've made it to the top and now I get to build, we get to build our village or like whatever. Speaker 2 00:27:09 You know, it felt like that felt like, like I got here, I won the war or like, like I got, I, I defeated the monsters or whatever. And then I just like the first day of the rest of my life kind of feeling. Hmm. And, and didn't mean a man a million dollars in 24 hours <laugh>. It did not. But it meant that like, it meant that like I, something inside of me changed and I stopped feeling incapable. And I feel like that was my biggest wounding where, because I, I experienced such instability and such powerlessness in terms of like how I felt with money and about money and in my experience of it, there was just this feeling of like, you don't have power for me anymore, bitch. You know, <laugh>, <laugh>. Speaker 3 00:27:48 I love that you said that cuz like a lot of people, like they think power is, I'm gonna go like, make a million dollars and I'm gonna have it all. But like, power is being neutral, right? Power is not letting something have something over you like that. And that's like why I love your work. Like, that's why I feel like my life has changed cuz I'm like, before I entered potency, it was this energy of like, you know, how much can I make? And like, how successful can I be? And now I'm just like, you know what, like how unfuck with the book, can I be <laugh>? Like, how powerful can I be as a human being? So I love that you shared that. Speaker 2 00:28:20 Oh good. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you for sharing that. Yeah. You know, because it's like when you find that place in yourself, you can make as much goddamn money as you want. Right. And you tap into a truly limitless place of receiving and creating. Right. Because there's not, you're not trying to, and I've worked with so many people who do this and get swept away in this cycle, but it's like, I've worked with people who are like, you know, millionaires, multimillionaires, and they just feel like money owns them, you know? And um, they feel like no matter how much they make, they never feel safe. No matter how much they make, it's never enough. You know? And they, some people have had patterns of like, yeah, I made $5 million this year, but if I showed you my bank account, you wouldn't believe me <laugh>. Like, there's not anything in it, you know? Speaker 2 00:29:01 And like, like, I don't know what I'm doing. I don't know where it's going or whatever. And, you know, I think some people hearing that could be like, what the fuck do you mean? Like, that person had to be seriously fucked up or whatever. But actually no, it's like when you're in that situation, it's like when you're acclimated to making a certain amount of money, like that certain amount of money feels as normal as the money you make, right? And so it's easy to like get rid of it and to whatever and whatever else right. With it. So, um, yeah, I just kind of like decided I was capable. I decided like money was never gonna have power over me again. And then from there, like that's, I decided I was gonna do the work that I wanted to do. I was gonna stay like true to myself in the sense where I was going to allow myself to do the meaningful work. Speaker 2 00:29:40 I wasn't gonna push out, out and get a job, which is what it felt like to me at the time, which if that's your path, go for it. No judgment. And that's of highest alignment for some people. For me, I was like, I'm fucking doing this. This is working, let's go. And um, then like, it was like after that moment, some things started to look like they were falling apart in my life, but actually they were falling together as we know. Right? And I was given very short notice for, um, that I wasn't gonna have a place to live, um, in probably like the next month. And, um, I needed to come up with like a couple thousand dollars and I felt that feeling of like, money will never have power over me again. And the idea of making a couple thousand dollars sounded like, holy shit, how am I even gonna do that? Speaker 2 00:30:29 But it was like, I held this feeling inside of myself where I didn't even entertain that. Like, I was like, I, I'm aware that I can go into that energy, I can freak out, I can worry about it, but I'm just not going to, I'm gonna choose to hold this level of power within myself. And I showed up and did my part like from that place of feeling powerful. Like I wanted to do my work, I wanted to talk about it, I wanted to share it. And then I made my first couple thousand dollars and then I moved halfway across, across the country. And then it just was up and up from there, you know? Wow. It was like, it was the, those that fundamental moment of just like, this money will not have power over me because I money gets to be a tool. Speaker 2 00:31:06 Money is a byproduct of my power, you know, and this is what I teach people where it's like, when you can reach this place of being so fucking solid, and it doesn't mean you will ever get taken out of it and you will have to expand it, become more solid about certain things, become more solid at a higher level of money life, whatever the fuck. But it's like, as you get, as you get solidified in this and you make at, regardless of whatever level you play at, whether you're trying to make your first dollar or your first million dollars, your first 5 million doesn't fucking matter. Your power is still yours. Then you have like, you have the ability to create it, you know, and you have the ability to create it from such deep alignment and from such like a powerful place within yourself where you allow yourself to be fully backed by all it is and fully resourced, right? So it's every, like, all of creation is flowing to you and through you, right? And so the resources flow fully, which is the clarity, the guidance, the inspiration, the inspired action, the energy to do so, the desire to wanna do it now. And, um, the clarity for the idea, the genius plan that falls into place, you're like, oh my god, that's genius. That was not mine. <laugh> like whatever. And the money and the people and the cooperative components and all of it flows, you know, Speaker 0 00:32:10 That's so powerful. And something that I also actually experienced after being in your space. And I told this podcast in the story, but I also wanted to tell you about it because I was like, it's something that you were teaching about. And also something I heard you say in your podcast interviews that I was listening to, like I said, guys, I was obsessing, right? I'm just like, anything this woman does, I'm gonna consume <laugh>. So <laugh>, I was listening to all of your podcast episodes and there was something that one of your clients said that she's like, after working and being in your space, she found that she just was naturally acclimating to new levels of wealth. And then you told a story about how like, even like past boyfriends would come into your space and then they'd get like pay rises and things like that. So I found that that happened with you as well with me. Speaker 0 00:32:55 Like I was just like, I, I joined your space and obviously I was like actually doing the work as well in potency. Like I was holding the energy, I was doing exactly like what you were telling us to do. And there was, it was at the time where we were playing with the concept of time, right? So a lot of what Genevieve teachers is like being in the quantum field, like time doesn't fucking exist here, right? It's like you, it's here right now and just like acclimating to it right now. So we were in the month of December and I had a new program coming out in January and my mind wanted to be like, okay, we'll just leave this year and then we'll do what we need to do in January, you know, we'll manifest our money in January, we'll put our intentions in. Speaker 0 00:33:32 And then I just kept like pulling myself up on that thought. I was just like, no, no, no. I'm like, you can manifest it right now. Right now is when it's available to you. So I just kept like doing that niggly work, kept like fixing my thought and I was just like, okay, no, right now, right now, not January right now and you know, the mind would wanna go to, but you don't have a program at and da da da da da. I'm just like, no, doesn't matter. I'm like right now, one day I woke up and my mom just outta nowhere gives me eight grand. Just like, just like that. She's just like, here you go. She, honestly, I don't, she's never ever done anything like that <laugh>. Speaker 2 00:34:09 That's so much, that's so fun. Yeah. Like there really is like, when you don't take now off the table, you really allow the universe to get so fucking creative and resourceful about how it can bring money to you. Now whether or not you're selling a program, you know, and I I, I can hear the echoes of strategy coaches online wanting to slap me in the face, hearing me say this, but <laugh>, you know, but it's like, no, I just like to poke fun on it. But you know, it really is like this, this is what is most fundamentally important before you do any of that fucking shit, right? Because otherwise it's gonna be really contracted, really limited. And you see all these people having these businesses that are growing really fucking slow, you know, where they're like just a watered down version of someone else's, like financially in other ways, you know? Speaker 2 00:34:55 And so it's like we don't want that. Like we're here for like fullest co-creation and also like that means the business as a part of the co-creation of course. But it's like when you fundamentally at your core are available now receptive now, like crack the fuck open to all the ways you can be paid now and all the ways you can receive now, then it's like you can, you will create avenues, you will co-create like cooperative avenues for the universe to flow through and play with and whatever. But it's like those aren't like, people get so fucking controlling about it, you know? And then it's like that energy contracts, the flow of receiving that energy shuts things out. You know, because like the universe is actually really fucking brilliant, really fucking creative at paying you, you know, if you don't shut out any of those avenues. Speaker 2 00:35:39 And the biggest way people do it is like they, they're out of the now, right? And now is all that exists in quantum, right? Because quantum doesn't isn't yesterday. It isn't tomorrow. It's not five minutes from now or five minutes ago. You know, it's just now, now, now, now, now. And so if you're open now receptive now, then you have access to the the resources of the field now, right? And so then that means everything that can exist, every way that can happen, you're available to and you're receptive to. And then as you start moving through time while you're anchored in the now, it's like you start to zone in on a trajectory, right? And so it's like then the universe like lines up with you and does it through the program or does it through your mom or does it through this or whatever. Speaker 2 00:36:20 But it's like you find your avenue receiving as long as you don't shut it out now. And I see so many people do this, some people like, can you even fucking believe it? And a lot of people don't even realize this consciously have already checked out for this year because they've already looked at January, maybe it wasn't what they wanted. And they're already setting a tone or trajectory for how the rest of the year is gonna go. And they're not open to quantum abundance. And so they won't experience it unless they clean that shit up. You know, like I talked to a client about this last month, she was like talking about how much she made and I was like, excuse me, there's two days left. What the hell are you even talking about? You know, <laugh>, she ton more money the last two days. She was like, oh yeah, <laugh>. You know, it's like those things affect things and they matter, you know? Speaker 3 00:36:57 Yeah. Love. I love that. Um, that is so true because even just this ability to be like now, now, now, like I remember I was practicing with that and I think it was like the second day I binged potency then something I had like on marketplace, um, that was there for two years. Like this is not fucking coincidence, two years. And then all of a sudden I was like, I didn't even, I forgot I had that. I just, I kind of felt like it was never gonna sell, but I was just like, I was open. I was like, well, whatever. And then it sold. I'm like, it's this energy of like now it's like the universe is like going out of its way to respond to this. Like have it have it if you want. So like I love that. I just wanted to share that with you as well. Speaker 2 00:37:38 But so fun <laugh>. The timing. The timing, the timing is always perfect when it's now <laugh>. Speaker 3 00:37:46 Yeah, exactly. Right, right. Um, so something I wanted to ask, so we have a lot of people on this podcast who are obviously into manifestation. Both Shirley and I teach it in our programs and there is a lot of talk in the manifestation space around attaching from the outcome and all these sort of things. So I was hoping like for those on the listeners, cause I think like this is where people probably struggle the most in the process. Can you explain the difference? Like, like your definition of not like wanting sort of, versus needing, like cuz there's always like the attached to that needing energy, right? Speaker 2 00:38:21 Right. So it really depends and it really depends on who you are, what's working for you right now. Because sometimes in my own personal experience and my experience with clients is like, sometimes there's something very specific that I'm wanting. There's something like a, there's a specific amount of money I'm playing with because that feels right and feels fun because you're in the energy of co-creation, which means you allow yourself to play with creation. And so you allow yourself to want, you know, when I first started playing with a hundred thousand dollars a month where I was like, Ooh, I want that, you know, and it was like playing with that and then like playing with that specificity of that number and it was like allowing myself to play with it, entertain it, believe it, expect it, feel it, desire it, want it, and while simultaneously being detached from who, what will or why how, right? Speaker 2 00:39:14 Which is all the ways where we try and get controlling with it, right? And the more we try and control it, the more ways we shut out the avenues of the universe, right? The infinite avenues because they are infinite. Um, but I think a lot of people can also confuse detachment with like actually detaching from desire itself. And that's when they start to move through life, feeling a little numb and just feeling like they're kind of like coasting through life and just going through the motions a little bit. And they're like, nothing's changing, nothing's whatever, I'm detached. But it's like, actually, it's not that you are detached in that way. You're detached from the life force energy of, of life. Like you're detached from energy, you're detached from life force, you're detached from desire, you're just detached from wanting, right? And a lot of people I think confuse these two things on accident because when they want something, they will flip flop between I want this so bad and it almost hurts, it feels uncomfortable. Speaker 2 00:40:05 Or like noticing the absence of it is really uncomfortable for me. And so then they'll go into what they think is detachment, which is actually closing, right? Where it's like, let me completely cut myself off from desire itself. But it's like the sweet spot is allowing yourself to want what you want and hold it without condition, you know? And like that's what detachment is, is like, can you allow yourself to hold what you want? Meaning like play in that energy, meaning get into that feeling, meaning maintain relationship to without which you desire, without needing it to happen yesterday without needing it to come from this person. If you want clients and someone reaches out and you're like, oh my gosh. And then they're like, nevermind <laugh>, right? And you're like, damn it. Right? It's like, can you still hold that energy and allow that to just kind of be a wave without getting out of the water, you know? Instead of being like, the ocean hates me, peace <laugh>, you know, I'm getting outta this shit <laugh>. Does that make sense? Speaker 3 00:41:02 Yeah, that makes so, so much sense. And I just like the power of neutrality. It's just like, it's just amazing and just, yeah, like holding the desire, right? Like holding the desire. So something I've experienced, something I used to do, I know Sheila used to do this as well. I mean, we've all been there, I'm sure you have as well. It's like this feeling of like, when we are looking at our 3d, it's like nothing's happening. And I think this is where people give up, right? They go, oh, it's not happening, it's not happening. It's like, why? Like, it's like we're looking at our current 3D reality for validation of what's even possible for us. So like what's like some advice you could give, um, like the listeners about when things feel like they're not working Speaker 2 00:41:43 Well, the thing is, is like, that's such a, that's a really conditional fickle way of doing it. And that will continually, like the whole thing with like manifestation is like, it's a game of momentum, right? And so like energy has to catch up and it has to catch up in order to manifest in a form, right? And so if we're like, when we're creating desire, like I, when your energy is, when your field is really clear, you can actually feel this if you tune into it. But it's like when your field is clear of distortion, when you're in alignment, when you're not operating in need, lack, whatever, bullshit, right? And you are just like allowing yourself to want, like want what you want almost. And like tune into the energy of it. You can feel it coming closer. Like it, it's almost like, it's like a train <laugh> coming. Like you can just feel it like, mm, like rumbling, like as if you're standing on the track, you're like, I can hear it getting louder. I can feel it getting closer. And it's like an energy, it's like an essence of feeling you. Does that make sense? Speaker 0 00:42:38 I cut that. I know exactly what you're talking about. Yeah. It's like, it's literally in your field to the point where you can actually feel it. It's like just there. I know. Exactly. Speaker 2 00:42:46 It's always in your field. Oh, but it's just how close, how far, right? Yeah. So it's like when you can feel it is usually when it gets to this point of you're either really energetically sensitive because you're really in a really clear, like tuned and tapped and turned on state, which is fucking by me as hell. And that's when things can roll in really fast. Um, or where it's like, ooh, desire and then within five minutes, poof, it's manifested or within a day or week or whatever, you know, it's very, very fast. Um, sometimes for me, like my, my favorite ones are like the instant manifestations where it's like, I want it, my field is clear, I've been keeping it clear. And then it's like I decide that I want, like another client in this program, I haven't been talking about it and someone reaches out and is like, Hey Genevieve, I know you haven't been talking about it. Speaker 2 00:43:26 I know you closed the door. This, can I come in? I'm like, perfect ding <laugh> like five minutes, you know? And it's like, there was literally no way I orchestrated that this person was literally like, you stopped talking about this a month ago, but this just, I like this feels right, whatever. Like, yes. You know? And it was yes for me, yes for them. Triple win alignment, let's roll <laugh>, you know? But it's like the whole thing is like when you're starting to, when that energy of um, it's not working, it's not happening, that energy kicks in. All that does is you put up a wall, right? And so as it's coming at like from the field into your experience, you put up a wall and it's just like, okay, we'll wait here behind this thing, right? That energy is incompatible with it coming. So it's not so much, it's never actually about is nothing changing, it's just things are changing in ways you can't see. Things are adding up behind the scenes in ways you can't conceptualize yet. And like, your job is to not get distracted by like overly paying attention to distractions in the now because the now is only relevant to the past now. Speaker 2 00:44:32 And so it's like your job is to allow now to catch up with what's coming out of the field, right? Your job is to allow now to be clear, which means now is you and your experience, you and the reality that you live in, to allow it to be fully receptive. And so to me, actually how it feels is like when nothing's shifting and when nothing's changing, but I'm like holding like the energy's there, it's solid. Like I, whatever, there's just kind of like I look at what is and it, and it makes me laugh, you know? Like that's how it feels. It's like, hmm, <laugh>, you know, it's, it's like a mischievous, like we know, we know <laugh>, you Speaker 3 00:45:05 Know, we know it's Speaker 2 00:45:06 Changing, we know it's shifting, we know it's working and then it kicks in and it shifts and it changes. And you're like, well of course it did because I knew it was, I felt it, I felt it coming. I could hear the train, you know? And also I just, I wasn't allowing myself to get so fucking distracted by, by this stuff right here, like outside of me. You know? It's like, yes, it is a part of the conversation. It is a part of the experience and the dynamic, but it's like if that's where you're sourcing your energy from, then of course it's not changing. You'll just get caught in a loop where it's like, this isn't changing, but then this is a result of what was what you were vibing with, what you were creating, right? And so it's not changing then you just recreate it. And that's kind of what I call like a hell loop. Where it's like, which I was talking about this before, Lucifer was a TV show, thank you Speaker 3 00:45:48 <laugh>, Speaker 2 00:45:50 The show Lucifer. And was like, well, good to know Speaker 3 00:45:53 <laugh>, <laugh>. Speaker 2 00:45:54 But um, yeah, I was like, cause one time I took Ecstasy and went to the mall and read the Tibetan book of the Dead. And then I was like, oh my God, hell Speaker 3 00:46:02 Actually, I actually have it here right now. That story that you on a podcast, like this is how much we store. I actually, like one of your, I was laughing so much cuz I've actually been there. I'm like, what happens when we die? Like, oh my god, I'm <laugh>. Speaker 2 00:46:20 Yeah. And I was like, I died on the way here. This isn't real, this protection <laugh>. Um, yeah, but it's like you get caught in the loop, right? So yeah, it's really just like, it is having a level of, to me it's like presence and detachment are like the magical energies, right? And so it's like desire with presence or desire with detachment. And so it's like when I, or just simple, simply existing and being in presence, in alignment, then you are automatically a cooperative component to desire because you're not resisting it, you're not out of alignment with it. You're not distorting it, you're not blocking it, resisting it, sabotaging it, whatever. You're just being and you're being in alignment. And so you allow yourself to be a cooperative component and then you allow things to line up and work, right? Or there's like the active co-creative part that feels more like, okay, I'm actively using my human and reprogramming these things and whatever. Speaker 2 00:47:12 Which either way you have to reprogram the things, right? Um, and I'm intentionally like lining up my energy myself, my thought, my belief into this specific thing that I want and desire. And then from there, if you really like, use that specific thing that you're wanting to manifest, that you're wanting to call in, you can almost use it as your, your measurement of alignment. Like your, the thing that you measure yourself against to see if you're in alignment. And not by the fact of if it's manifested yet or not, but how you feel in relationship to it. Does it feel like it's already happened? You know what I mean? Like, cuz that's when you're in the, the final little edges of like, you know, it's gonna happen. You expect it to happen and that energy feels really solid and true. It doesn't feel forced or faked or made up. Um, or there's a feeling of like, I know it's gonna happen and it feels like it already did and I'm just waiting for that last little leg to like catch up you know, Speaker 0 00:48:02 I love that. I, yeah, I just love the way you explain it all because I'm just like hanging onto every word that you say. I'm like, yes, yes. That's exactly like the way that you explain it. You can tell that you've actually like lived and embodied this work. And something that I wanted to mention earlier on, and it's coming to my head now, is that I love the way that you like told the story in your book as well and the way that you speak about this stuff because you really like, celebrate like even like the small wins, just as much as you do the big things. Because like, I remember like a significant story you told in your book. It wasn't that, you know, you were a millionaire, it was oh, that time you went to the coffee shop to go get a coffee and you realized you were short of money and you were like, holy shit, I can't get my coffee today. But then the person in front of you bought you your coffee. Like you told that story in the book. And I was like, because those are like the special moments. The, those are like the anchor points that you have with the universe that when these things, when your reality is looking like your past and you're sitting there and you're struggling to like hold the vision, you look back at those moments, those little like anchor points with the universe where you're like, well, no, like this is the truth. This is what I know. Speaker 2 00:49:11 Yeah, I agree with that for sure. And I think it's really just, um, God can provide you the coffee or God can provide you the money just like they did the coffee <laugh> <laugh>. So it's like, um, you know, sometimes like when you first start to do this work, if you have like some crunchy bits still with money, it's like you'll start to notice like these ways, like these other avenues of things that flow. Like I know for me at first it was like, someone wants to buy me lunch. Like I got a free coffee, like these things, um, or like, um, whatever the fuck, right? Those types of experiences. And then it was like, it was like almost a way for the universe to be like, see, see, see, like you don't feel like you can have this with money this easily, so let's show it to another avenue. Speaker 2 00:49:54 So hopefully this can open you up to having this experience with money as well. Right. And so, um, yeah, the whole, um, that coffee thing came in at the perfect time. It was like, that was like a moment of momentum kicking in where I was like, I kind of got into this habit where it was like, if I can at least somehow some way, like manifest a coffee every day, and like the coffee at the time at Starbucks was like, I just got like a black iced coffee, like something like that. But it, it wasn't even like, it was like the ritual and then I could put $5 in my gas tank and this car <laugh> this fucking car, when I tell you about this car, it did not have air condit. It did not have the, it had a big giant ass dent <laugh>. It had a big, giant ass dent in the back left door that, uh, you couldn't use it. Speaker 2 00:50:38 Um, that back left door would fly open sometimes. Like you couldn't take the car on the interstate because like the, something on the wheels would get loose. It wasn't safe. Like just whatever. It was like a very much like pointed to point B type of fucking car, you know? Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Um, and, um, that took time, energy, and effort to acquire even that right at the time. So, um, the, I drove that beautiful piece of shit to Starbucks most days if I could somehow manifest the coffee. Um, and I was like, I have, I, I found change. Like I found change like around the house, around like outside, like whatever. And it was like anytime I found a fucking quarter, I felt like a bazillionaire and I was like, this is like almost a coffee, you know, <laugh> and, um, the, uh, I had change in the door, um, for a coffee and then I didn't realize that I had actually already spent it on a coffee the day before. Speaker 2 00:51:32 I totally forgot. And I ordered my coffee, got into the drive-through a car pulled in behind me, and then the thought kicked in and was like, oh fuck, I spent that money. And like, I felt so much embarrassment, so much shame. And it, there was just this like, I'm gonna have to go up to this window right now and be like, I'm so sorry I ordered a coffee. I do not have money. And like there was just like a, I had to surrender in that moment and like, I felt so like tempted to like just spiral <inaudible> do like a loser piece of shit to be honest. And I was like, I'm just not gonna do that and I'm just gonna fucking like humble myself and just like be really sad because I am, but like, I don't have to make that mean that I'm less or that there's something wrong with me or that I'm a fucking loser for this, you know? Mm-hmm. And so I went up the window like fucking in tears and <laugh>. Um, I literally reached my hand up like this, like to be like, Hey, I don't have the money. I'm so fucking sorry, you know? And um, I was like, and he's like, here you go about your coffee. Have a nice steak, close the window. Like Speaker 0 00:52:29 I love that story because I love how committed you are to that coffee morning routine as well. Like whenever you tell it, I just die inside because I'm like, that's me, that's me. I literally actually had a breakdown to Nadia, like this was last year when I was like in my shit and I was like, oh, will I buy my coffee Speaker 2 00:52:45 <laugh>? This Speaker 0 00:52:46 Is when I left my like full-time job to go full-time in this. I was like, but how will I buy my morning coffees <laugh>. Speaker 2 00:52:53 And she like, coffee can be an energetic minimum, just like we can have one with money, you know? Speaker 0 00:52:57 Honestly, Speaker 3 00:52:58 It honestly is <laugh> <laugh>. And and that time that you decided, you're like, no, fuck this. I'm never going without, I'm making that decision. And then like, someone like was like, Hey, can you give me a ride? I'll pay for your guess. Speaker 2 00:53:11 Yeah. Yeah. Speaker 3 00:53:12 That's crazy. Speaker 0 00:53:14 I love it. Speaker 2 00:53:14 Yeah, this literally, like, this kinda reminds me of, I can't remember what book it was, but um, maybe it is the Flower of Life books or something, but um, I was confused like five different books in my head, but um, when it comes to this story, but I remember reading this book where this man, uh, like he was like, spirit told me to quit my job, move to the woods with my wife, like whatever the fuck. And um, like, and his wife was like, are you fucking crazy? Like, how are we gonna live? How are we gonna survive? Like you quit your job. Like we haven't, like we're not making any money, whatever. And he was like, I was just like completely initiated into like completely trusting the universe and like completely relying on the universe bringing me my resources and what I wanted and needed and whatever. And so like, like the stories he told, I was like, there's like the fact that people are like, no, your launch sucked because of your strategy. I'm like, y'all, I'm fucking missing some shit right now, <laugh>. Speaker 2 00:54:07 Um, but he's like, you know, literally, and it's like, yeah, a again, and I haven't had that conversation before. I'm not saying those things don't matter in business, but it's like the energy in which they come from and how you do them, why you do them is what matters. Right? And if you are like really dialed in on following a blueprint, it will require you to obviously get really behind the strategy, really get your beliefs and energy behind it, then it can work. Um, and or you are having to produce an amount of energy that is greater than the resistance, right? And so it'll require more energy and you will therefore receive less cooperation from all that is because you're not available for it, right? Um, so this guy's in the woods and all of a sudden some, some shit happens and they needed money for something like to pay their bills or, and buy food and whatever the fuck this guy randomly finds them or gives, looks up his number, gives him a call, and he is like, I need to come see you. Speaker 2 00:55:01 And he is this guy he hasn't seen since college and he's now like probably in forties. And he's like, this is random, but okay. And this guy comes and he is like, I, you, you loaned me money back in college, a couple thousand dollars and it's been like decades and here's interest bitch, here's a lot of money, right? And he was like, what the fuck? You know? And just all of these things and all of these ways where it's like he completely relied on like spirit to, to be like essentially like the provider, right? And so the story that you were talking about was very much a very similar moment, but to me where I was like just got, I didn't have gas money and this was when I was living in Wichita, like in the studio house and I was like, I didn't have gas money, didn't have car or didn't have a gas in my car. Speaker 2 00:55:47 And um, it was that same piece of shit, car <laugh>, beautiful piece of shit. But, um, memories, um, like yeah, a neighbor gave him a car battery so that we could drive it because otherwise I wouldn't run. Um, and which was very nice of him, but uh, I was like, we need gas. Like, that was just very much on my mind and I was like, it would be really cool if I could film my gas tank. Cause I wasn't doing that. It was like $5 here, $5 there, whatever the fuck, like whatever just we could get away with and get by with. And I didn't have a cell phone at the time, you know, just like was very much like bare minimum shit. Um, and literally like within an hour someone knocks on my door. It's a lady that lived down the street and she was like, will you gimme a ride to this uh, bar that's a few blocks away? I'll fill up your gas tank. And I was like, what the fuck, <laugh>? And I was like, you literally came and knocked on my door. What the fuck? <laugh>. Speaker 0 00:56:38 That's wild. Speaker 2 00:56:39 And so, you know, those experiences is like, that's why I have such a high energetic standard for my availability and my receptivity because I know, I know how much the universe can do. You know, I know how much and it's not about me not trying to do things. It's about I do my work cause I wanna fucking do it. I do my shit because I love it because it's meaningful, because it's impactful, because it changes lives, not because I'm like, hmm, what's the thing so I can make the money? Right? Yeah. Speaker 0 00:57:04 <laugh>, I complet. No, I love that. I love that. That's like why you do your work, you do what you want, not what you think you should do to get x, y, and Z results. And I love that you have that relationship with the universe and you have those memories, right? Because I feel like it's a really good reminder for all of us, right, to be reminded about like how much the universe can actually do. Because so many, so many of us are in this like over huling and trying to like do mode, right? So I really love that. And I know that we're coming to the end of the hour, but you did answer a lot of the questions that we actually got through Instagram, but there was one question that we didn't actually like quite go into. So if we could like, if you could do like a little riff on this question and then we'll let you go, I promise <laugh>. So basically I had a question come through that said, uh, I'm a stay stay at home mom and my husband earns, how can I do money work too? Because something you mentioned earlier, you were just like, it doesn't really matter even if you don't have a business. So I feel like this is a good Yeah, Speaker 2 00:58:08 Yeah. And again, this is why I'm like, thank God when people work with me instead of people that really practice a lot of limitation because it's like I, there's things about being practical and whatever, but fuck practical. I'm not here for fucking practical. I'm here for magic and magic shit. So that's what we're gonna do. But um, <laugh>, you know, like I've had people who, like, I've had the clients that I've worked with over the years has been insane. And like I've had people who it doesn't, like they don't even know why they're working with me. <laugh> in the sense where they're like, I don't have a business or like this or that or whatever. They're like, I just know I have shit with money. I know I can make more. No, I get to make more or whatever. And they can be in the most unconventional set of circumstances where it's like, why would I be working with a money coach if I don't even have a job? Speaker 2 00:58:49 I'm a stay-at-home mom, or like whatever the hell, right? Being receptive to money is being receptive to money, period. The fucking end. Like that's my answer. <laugh>, you know, like being receptive to the money is being receptive to money. And so, you know, I've worked with teachers, I've worked with people in, they're like, how do I make more money when I'm literally can't? And I'm like, and that's, you're right, you're right. I also worked with another teacher who invite to that shit and they manifested this other opportunity that paid them more. Um, they got promoted, you know, like they started making more money. So like, I, like, I don't wanna fucking hear this shit from you, you know, <laugh>. And so it's like, um, to be honest, it really is how, how willing are you to get fucking so crapped open, available and receptive to all that truly can happen and that is available. Speaker 2 00:59:37 And I think the reason why people don't allow themselves to get as available as they could be, it's because they think they need to see and understand all the ways that it can happen. Or they even need to see the way it will happen and they don't, right? And so if you're in a set of circumstances, it's like, hey, literally I can't, cause my job is this, or my situation is actually that. How does it make sense that I would make more money? It's like, that's not for you to really figure out right now if you don't actually already have that clarity. If you don't already have the clarity of how the money is gonna be made, your job is just to open to money, get receptive to money, become a conduit of money so that it will flow however it does. And then when it reveals itself to you, you get to go, ah, that's how it did it, right? Instead of trying to figure it out ahead of time. You know, I've seen people in situations like that where it's like, oh, your partner got a raise. Fucking awesome, right? And that money flows to you. And so, or like you are inspired to start a business as a stay-at-home mom or some opportunity comes into your world. Like there's so many ways you just have to be open and receptive. Like that's the biggest piece. Speaker 0 01:00:31 I love that. And I think like even those previous examples that we were talking about, about like how somebody bought you your coffee or somebody just knocked on your door to be like, Hey, I'll pay for your petrol already proves like how the universe works in terms of like providing resources for you. And yeah, I, I love, I love everything that you said about that <laugh> Speaker 2 01:00:50 <laugh>. Good, good, good. Speaker 3 01:00:54 Oh, sorry, I just have like a garbage truck bin. That's why I've been like on mute. I'm like, hopefully it doesn't make too much noise. It shuls. If you wanna, I just don't wanna like echo the noise. Speaker 0 01:01:02 No, that's okay. Well thank you so much Genevieve. Honestly, this was such an expansive conversation. Thank you for being vulnerable with us and you know, taking us back to those times in your life where you really had to like anchor into this truth. But I feel like that's what makes you so special and that's what makes your work so powerful because you really fucking did the thing. Like you walk the fucking talk and yeah, we are just so grateful for your time. So thank you so much. Speaker 2 01:01:29 Thank you so Speaker 3 01:01:30 Much. And we cannot wait to work with you more in this year, Speaker 0 01:01:34 <laugh>. I know Speaker 3 01:01:35 We're from it all, but like, oh my God, we're so excited. Universe, <laugh>. But yeah, thank you so much for sharing your story and like being vulnerable. It's like you've honestly changed our life. You are in the embodiment. We can feel your energy. We just love it. So yeah. And thank you so much for being a guest on our podcast. Speaker 2 01:01:54 Yay. Thank you so much for having with me and I'm so excited to see how we play together. It's gonna be awesome. <laugh>, Speaker 0 01:01:59 Just before we do go, do you wanna just let people know where they could find you and like, work with you, uh, just so they know where, where they can find you. We're gonna have this all linked in the details below as well. Speaker 2 01:02:09 Perfect. Yeah, so I hang out mostly on Facebook and Instagram and I do, I'm known to create things on TikTok from time to time, <laugh>, but um, it's Genevieve Raham on Instagram, Genevieve Raham on TikTok, and then Genevieve Raham also on Facebook. And then I have a free Facebook group, the Rich Spiritual Money Bitches. I'm really Everywhere to be honest. <laugh> Speaker 0 01:02:30 <laugh> amazing. We'll have that all linked in the show notes below. So if you want to experience her magic yourself, then you'll know where to go. But yeah, thank you again and have a really good rest of your day. Speaker 4 01:02:41 If you love today's episode, please do not forget to rate the review in I Choose, or Spotify. If you would love to connect with us on a more intimate platform, you can find us both on Instagram and at Nadia Galley. We would love to connect. Thanks for listening.

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