77. Shule opens up about Nadia's Success Triggering Her

January 20, 2023 00:43:46
77. Shule opens up about Nadia's Success Triggering Her
Consciously Thriving Podcast
77. Shule opens up about Nadia's Success Triggering Her

Jan 20 2023 | 00:43:46


Show Notes

In this weeks episode, Shule comes clean on how Nadia’s success was triggering her. Stay connected with us! Multidimensional Living: https://shuleozek.com/services/ Manifest That Sh*T Free Masterclass: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdV04HQZ6n0vWrEMsH66ty241H9yDzMenQCtLh9igXOUzKuUg/viewform Work with Nadia: https://linktr.ee/nadia.galie Work with Shule: https://shuleozek.com Access the ultimate Soul Purpose Masterclass: https://shuleozek.com/elementor-2105/ Access the ultimate 13 Universal Laws Masterclass: nadia-galie-s-school.teachable.com/p/12-universal-laws-masterclass Free Limiting Beliefs Guide: https://nadia-galie-s-school.teachable.com/p/limitingbeliefsworkbook […]
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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:00 Are you caught up in limiting beliefs around whether it is possible to even achieve your desires? Do you keep taking two steps forward and then three steps back? Do you keep hearing the words? If I could do it, so can you, but nothing in your reality seems to change. And are you tired of doing all the manifestation hacks that you've read online, but nothing works? Well, I am so excited to announce that on Wednesday the 25th of January, Australian Eastern Standard Time, I am running a free masterclass called Manifest That Shit, where I'm going to teach you how to reprogram the limiting beliefs that A, bridging the gap between you and your desires. Believe it or not, manifesting your dream life shouldn't be feeling like an uphill battle. And if you can learn to squash the limiting beliefs to the curve in a way that is actually sustainable in a way that actually works, you do not wanna miss out on this masterclass. You can sign up with the link below in the show notes. Speaker 3 00:01:08 Hello. Welcome back to another episode of the Consciously Thriving Podcast. Speaker 1 00:01:13 Hello. It feels so good to be back for episode three this year. We are on a roll. Speaker 3 00:01:19 I know week two, and we're already onto episode three. Speaker 1 00:01:22 We're proud of ourselves because <laugh> last year we realized that we only filmed 28 episodes in the entire year. Like what the actual fuck is wrong with us? Speaker 3 00:01:35 Chat Too much. Procrastinate too much. Speaker 1 00:01:37 Massively. And you know what I find hilarious about that? Is that we would literally, we sat there and we were just like, okay, we can't let the podcast get between our friendship, but we were letting our friendship get between podcast, Speaker 3 00:01:50 Podcast legit. Honestly, we were just talking all day and then we'd burn ourselves out by the time we went to go film. Speaker 1 00:01:58 Honestly, we'd kind of done the same thing today. Speaker 3 00:02:00 You reckon? Speaker 1 00:02:01 I don't know. Speaker 3 00:02:02 No, I did an Instagram live this morning. For you. It's all lot of affirmations if you wanna go and check it out. But I feel like, yeah, I did that and I, I don't know. I don't know. I slept so well as well. Speaker 1 00:02:13 Yeah, I was like, what was the relevance of saying that? Just Speaker 3 00:02:16 <laugh>? No, cause I meant like I spoke, I smoked, so Speaker 1 00:02:18 I got Yeah, I got it. In the end I was just like, okay, I got your thought process, but the words didn't translate that low. Speaker 3 00:02:25 Yeah. I was speaking <laugh>, I was speak, I spoke myself out this morning. Mm-hmm. Speaker 1 00:02:32 <affirmative>. Mm-hmm <affirmative>. I did think that yesterday you said that you were doing a live before the podcast and I was like, is that hot? Speaker 3 00:02:38 Well, maybe not for you. I was, I was All right. I don't know, I think I'm just a bit tired today. Speaker 1 00:02:43 Yeah, well I was like, you do, you boo. Speaker 3 00:02:44 That was 15 minutes. Yeah, that wasn't a big one. Speaker 1 00:02:47 Yeah. Yeah. Speaker 3 00:02:48 Anyways, Speaker 1 00:02:50 <laugh>, how have you been? How's your week been? How's your weekend? Speaker 3 00:02:54 My weekend was good. I went away to uh, Northeast Victoria, which is where I have a holiday house and it was so vibey. Speaker 1 00:03:01 Did you just call it Northeast Victoria? Yeah. Really? That's where it is. I've never heard you refer to it like that. That's Speaker 3 00:03:07 Where like people say the direction of where it is Northeast Speaker 1 00:03:09 Victoria. I would have no idea what the fuck you're talking about. Speaker 3 00:03:11 Okay. Well most of these people are probably overseas and don't even know what the <laugh>, there's no relevance. Anyway, I have a holiday house in Country Victoria. Speaker 1 00:03:21 I call it a lake house. Do you know that? A lake house? Yeah. Speaker 3 00:03:24 That's funny. Kind of. It basically is, but it's not on Speaker 1 00:03:27 The lake. It's beautiful though. Speaker 3 00:03:29 The views are so stunning. The Speaker 1 00:03:30 Views are beautiful. It's like on this beautiful hill and the view is like, it's like a picture. Yeah. Speaker 3 00:03:36 Honestly, it was so gorgeous. So I went away with, um, for the weekend there and I had family and my partner were there and we went water skiing. And Speaker 1 00:03:43 So fun. Speaker 3 00:03:44 It was a massive vibe, but I woke up two days later feeling like every bone in my body had been tampered with. <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:03:52 The best way to describe. Yeah, it's a big one. It hurts. Well, Speaker 3 00:03:56 You're moving muscles and like muscles that you just don't use on a daily basis. Yeah. To get all the strength up to actually water skiing. Speaker 1 00:04:02 Yeah. I could imagine. It's crazy, but so much fun. What a nice way to spend the weekend. Speaker 3 00:04:06 Yeah, it was actually really nice. Like even just being in the moment and being, because we live and breathe this work just getting away for like, just having, just Speaker 1 00:04:14 Having fun. Speaker 3 00:04:15 Some 3D conversations, to be honest. Speaker 1 00:04:17 <laugh>, we've been really nice to even be in like nature as Speaker 3 00:04:20 Well. Yeah. Did you see my video of the moon? Yeah. It was beautiful. That wasn't beautiful. Like the Anthony see partner did a time lapse of it. Of course. Speaker 1 00:04:28 <laugh>. Oh, I thought you did that. And that was like nothing. I told Speaker 3 00:04:30 Him to. Speaker 1 00:04:31 Wow. I was giving you credit, but credit was Speaker 3 00:04:35 Crazy. My phone was on charge. Like, it doesn't matter. We both, Speaker 1 00:04:39 It's okay. It's fine. You just own that. You know. Your partner did that for Speaker 3 00:04:44 You. Yeah. Legit. Speaker 1 00:04:45 He, he's like, he Speaker 3 00:04:46 Loves photography and Speaker 1 00:04:48 Things like that, so Yeah. He loves everything. Loves Speaker 3 00:04:50 You. A actually, this came up so many times over the weekend, like the amount of times we were like, I was eating and my family would be like, you understand that your boyfriend is just like full of beans. Like he didn't, he just has so many interests. It's ridiculous. But they, they, they did say like, it's a really beautiful trait. They were like, you know, you would rather someone like that than doesn't wanna do anything. Speaker 1 00:05:12 Yeah, exactly. Right. Yeah. Yeah. Speaker 3 00:05:14 He's always up for a good time. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:05:16 Good time. Not a long time. How was Speaker 3 00:05:18 Your weekend? Speaker 1 00:05:18 My weekend was good. I ended up just doing some work and that was it. Yeah. We were meant to go to the beach. Didn't do that. I, it Speaker 3 00:05:28 Was so hot. Speaker 1 00:05:29 Yeah. I just couldn't really be bothered cuz it's such a hike to where we go. It's like a Yeah. Nearly two hour drive. And we'd been nearly, we've been a lot this summer, so we just kind of had a break. Uh, yeah. Didn't do anything. I really just kind of stayed home and did work, but it was nice. It was nice to do that. Speaker 3 00:05:47 Yeah. I think sometimes it's nice to have those Barbie weekends. I just was sweating the whole weekend. Speaker 1 00:05:52 Yeah. It was hard. Oh my God. There it Speaker 3 00:05:55 Was. It's always in like country of Victoria. Victoria. It's like at least three degrees hotter. Yeah. But when I was, we were on our way home and Anthony's for some reason his air con's not working properly. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Well it doesn't work as good as it can be when it's too hot. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> like, it's like, yeah. And I, we were dripping in sweat. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:06:14 I was like, I can't believe you guys actually took that car because I was like, what the Speaker 3 00:06:18 Fuck? Well, we couldn't with mine. Why bec Long story. Speaker 1 00:06:22 Okay. <laugh>. Speaker 3 00:06:23 Long story. That's another, that's not even another episode. <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:06:27 That's another episode. Speaker 3 00:06:29 My car's just a funny one. It's been happening. A few problems. But's Speaker 1 00:06:31 Fucking Mercury retrograde. Tell me I'm Speaker 3 00:06:33 Wrong. Yeah. It's Mercury retro. It is. Speaker 1 00:06:34 It is. Yeah. I filmed an entire thing yesterday that did not get filmed. Two hours. I was there two fucking hours. Geez. That and that's not, and I found out that I wasn't filming. I was like, holy macaroni. I Speaker 3 00:06:48 Actually felt bad for you when you sent that voice note of telling me like, I know that feeling because that feeling of like irritation when things like, when you are working on something for so long and it's like exhausts you like recording yourself talking and then you lose it. Speaker 1 00:07:01 I know. I was like, holy shit. It doesn't happen a lot, thankfully. But yeah. Not hot. Speaker 3 00:07:06 But we are taking the positive spin in it. Mercury retrograde has its lessons and Speaker 1 00:07:11 I don't know what the fucking lesson was. <laugh>. Yeah. I'm still learning that. I'm like, what was the point of that? Motherfucker dead. So I ended up just like the rest of the day, I was just like, you know what? Fucking I didn't give a fuck. I ended up watching, I think I ended up having a bath and reading this new book that I was telling Nadi about that she doesn't care about, Speaker 3 00:07:29 But Bridgeton. Yeah. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:07:31 It's so good. Holy shit. Speaker 3 00:07:34 <laugh>. I need a book. I need to read a book that is like outside the realms of spirituality. Math. Do Speaker 1 00:07:41 You like reading? Speaker 3 00:07:42 I love reading. Really? I love reading. Yeah, I Speaker 1 00:07:45 Do. I've never heard you reading before. Speaker 3 00:07:46 Really? Yeah. I love to read. I really, really do. I was sorry mom and dad, but like, I was like, that was a really big thing growing up for me. Reading and stuff like that. I feel I've lost Speaker 1 00:07:59 The kid. How did you say? Sorry, mom and dad. Speaker 3 00:08:01 I don't even know what, I don't even know what I was going with that Speaker 1 00:08:05 Nas half asleep this morning. So I'm gonna be like carrying the weight in Speaker 3 00:08:09 <laugh>. No, but I, yeah, I always used to do a lot of reading. I used to smash through books so, so, so quickly. I just feel like I just, since my spiritual awakening, I just feel like I lost it a little bit. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, I was just so obsessed with like masterclass and learning and stuff like that, that I'm just like, you need to get back into a book. Speaker 1 00:08:28 Yeah. I, I wanted, that's the reason why I ended up like, looking at Bridgeton, I realized that I have this love for romantic novels or romantic stories set in the 18 hundreds. So I started watching movies like Pride and Prejudice and there was another one that I watched. Oh, I forgot what it's called. Speaker 3 00:08:47 I get so sucked into those shows. Like a good, like, love story. Yeah. I, it's, it's, I Speaker 1 00:08:53 Told you to watch Bridgeton though. You didn't like it? Speaker 3 00:08:55 No, I just watched like two episodes of it. I just didn't get into it. How? It's one of the, I just, no. When it comes to like medieval stuff and things like that, it's not <laugh>. No, I know. But like, even like Game of Thrones, it takes me a little while Speaker 1 00:09:08 To get, you can't even hear that. Like when you said that my whole body just got triggered. I've got some work to do. I Speaker 3 00:09:12 I, it takes me that little bit of momentum to get in. I reckon I'm judgmental when it comes to TV shows. Speaker 1 00:09:18 Yeah. Or you have no taste. Speaker 3 00:09:20 <laugh> Speaker 1 00:09:21 <laugh>. Anyway, Bridgeton was amazing. It's fu I love the show, the series. I've realized that and it was like, you know what? I need to get into something other than this work. Yeah. Because obviously it's nice to like have different areas of interest and when this becomes your work, I don't wanna get sick of it, you know what I mean? Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. So I felt like I needed a nice balance and something to just do for fun and purely for my entertainment. Yep. So I ended up trying Jane Austen cuz I really loved the movies that were made based on her stories. And I was like, maybe I'll try reading those books. But Jane Austen is really, really hard to read. I got the book called Emma, and I was like, I don't fucking even know what's going on really. I don't know what's going on. And it's really slow at the start. So I was just like, ugh, I can't, like I didn't get into it. Yeah. So then I've been really wanting to read the rest of the Bridgeton series because it's something that's been recommended to me. So I've watched obviously season one and two on Netflix. If you haven't seen it, go see, it's amazing. But I've started now with, um, the third book and it's just like, the book is just, I would say like, just as good as the series, possibly even better to the point where I can't put it down. Like I should Speaker 3 00:10:25 Cannot wait when you get a good book like that. Do you know what that was for me? What, um, series of an unfortunate event as a kid I watched, I I binged all 12 books. Really? I think there's more than that actually. I think that, I can't remember how many. I didn't Speaker 1 00:10:40 Know you read like that. Speaker 3 00:10:41 Yeah, I did. Yeah. I fully, fully, fully, fully, fully. But it has to be a good book. Like I can tell within the first chapter, I'm like, nah. Speaker 1 00:10:50 Yeah. It has to be a good book. It's hard for a book to cap, um, like to captivate me as well. Yeah. So this one did and I was like, holy shit. Like I'm loving it. It's so fucking good. Yeah. So if you've read it, holler at me, let's chat about it. I'm looking for friends who like Richard <laugh> just as much as I do because I've become like a massive nerd for it. Anyway, though, that is not the point of this episode. We thought we'd just have a little bit of a smile. Yeah. A little bit Speaker 3 00:11:15 Of a chat. Let's get into it. But let's get into it. What's today's episode about? Speaker 1 00:11:18 So we thought that we would give you a little bit of a story, a little bit of a story time on something that happened recently between us and we wanna share this because Speaker 3 00:11:30 I didn't even know it was between us just Speaker 1 00:11:32 Now checking. No, NA didn't know. So I wanna, the reason why we feel called to actually share it on the podcast is because lots of people would get ashamed by things like this and they keep it down. And we wanna tell you this story so you don't keep it down. Like, a big part of what we do in this space is go deep. We go deep on the work, we go deep on why things are happening, why things come, the shadow come up the shadows. Right. And it can be really, really difficult to do, like in friendships. Like obviously Nadia and I are very, very Speaker 3 00:12:03 Close and, and self-aware Speaker 1 00:12:05 And self-aware. But it's funny, like being in this space, something basically came up between our like friendship and it really like sent me into shame spirals and things like that. And I really didn't Yeah. And I didn't really allow myself to like, look into it because I was so ashamed that I was feeling that way mm-hmm. <affirmative> and I really had to work on it and move past that and do a lot of shadow work. And we are just gonna get into the story, otherwise you're gonna like know the story. So Speaker 3 00:12:34 Wait, can we just take a moment to just That's awesome. Like that you can get up on this podcast and share. That's how much we like believe in this work. Speaker 1 00:12:43 Yeah. Well, honestly, I feel like as soon as I told you the truth of like what was happening, it really dissipated. Yeah. Because it was like proving to myself that like, I don't know, I was really, really, I guess I was really determined to let go of this and not let this like be, I didn't want this energy in the friendship. Do you know Speaker 3 00:13:05 What I mean? Yeah, fair enough. Fair enough. We should do a, um, like, I know we're gonna get into it, but we should one day let us know if this is something you want, like even doing like shadow work on each other in an episode. Yeah. It depends on like what it's about. Yeah. But like, just showing you how we even like get to the, the root cause or Speaker 1 00:13:21 Like Yeah. Yeah. This was something that was That'd be cool. Yeah. If we find something that we can do that on. Speaker 3 00:13:27 Yeah. Like it's just about like bringing something to our awareness if like chile's like playing small in an area of her life or I am, and like just Yeah. Like whenever the time feels right, it doesn't Speaker 1 00:13:36 Have to be that way. Yeah. I'm sure that we'd get the ping to do it. Yeah, that would be cool. So I'll basically just get into the story. So the first part of the story just starts with me, and I didn't think that I would actually be sharing this publicly, nor did I ever think that I'd be telling, I'd told like, tell Nadia this because I was so ashamed that this was happening. So obviously Nadia and I had been in this space together for a while and now Nadia's like on, you know, doing her thing and things like that. So she's like, you know, taking clients, you know, her business going off and her business is going off. And when like, when she would get a win, what would happen is like, she'd tell me obviously, like we share each other's wins with each other. And what I would notice is myself getting really, really triggered. So something like deep within me would like turn and I'd just feel triggered. Speaker 3 00:14:31 What was the emotion? Because we, her and I haven't spoken about it on this level. I'm just asking like what emotion, anger. Speaker 1 00:14:38 Yeah. It was more of like, yes, we have spoken Speaker 3 00:14:40 About it. Yeah. But not on, like, I didn't ask you what emotions were going up Speaker 1 00:14:43 <laugh>. It was more, because I Speaker 3 00:14:44 Get it, like I, you don't need to explain yourself to me. I get it. Speaker 1 00:14:47 Like <laugh> it wasn't like anger. It was like, it was the feeling of feeling like Speaker 3 00:14:53 Triggered. Speaker 1 00:14:54 Yeah. I can't describe it. It was like, I can't describe it other than triggered. Speaker 3 00:15:00 Yeah. Okay. Speaker 1 00:15:01 It was making me like it, it would bothered me. Speaker 3 00:15:04 It bothered you. It's like, yeah. It's like you're happy for them, but then you're like, she's I'm, yeah, we're gonna get, she's gonna get into like what the root cause was, but yeah. Speaker 1 00:15:12 Yeah. So deep down I was sitting there and I was looking at like, I, I'd hear the information and then my conscious mind would go, SHK, you have to like, this is so exciting. Like celebrate like celebrate her, blah, blah, blah. Like, you know, tell her, and obviously I did, but then deep down there was this really loud feeling that would be like triggered, bothered. Speaker 3 00:15:35 Do you remember a time, a particular time Speaker 1 00:15:38 Babe? Every single time. Yeah. Speaker 3 00:15:40 But just pick one Speaker 1 00:15:41 Time babe every single time you go. So they can Speaker 3 00:15:44 Get an example Speaker 1 00:15:44 Of like, okay. Um, Speaker 3 00:15:46 So they know like Speaker 1 00:15:48 It would be with anything in your life. So it could be like, you getting something like a win in your business was mostly where it was happening. It could be like a win with Anthony, maybe like something happening with Anthony. Any sort of win in your life, I would have that feeling. Oh, Speaker 3 00:16:05 Wow. Okay. Speaker 1 00:16:05 Yeah. So this is Speaker 3 00:16:06 Like how like when I manifested money, when I manifest money. Speaker 1 00:16:09 Yeah. When you manifested money, when you manifested, like as soon as you had some sort of breakthrough or anything like that. Okay. Speaker 3 00:16:16 Yeah. Well there like, it was everything then Speaker 1 00:16:18 <laugh>, it was literally everything. It wasn't like, but it was mainly around like when you would manifest something and when you would get a win in your business. Those were the two main things. Yeah. Speaker 3 00:16:27 Okay. Well that makes so much sense against the shadow then. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:16:30 So those were the two main things. And I pushed this down. This was a really, like, did you feel this within me when we, when you were like, did you feel it? Speaker 3 00:16:43 To be honest, no. And I'll tell you why. Because Sheila's been doing this work a lot longer than me. So she's, no actually, that's not even the truth. Like this is, I think my ego would've always been like, you know, NAIA started a bit later. So like, my progress in my business, um, this world has been a lot later than yours. So never, like, not that you've, it's not about achieving more, but you've probably seen a little bit more progress in your business. So why I I just never thought that that would come across your mind. Like, you know, yeah. You've achieved all these things. Why would like, you know, I don't Speaker 1 00:17:16 Ever, so, so that's just an example of how I wasn't showing this energy, right? Yeah. This is just what was happening internally mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And over time I just kept pushing it down Speaker 3 00:17:25 Also. Yeah. Sorry, just to add, I was probably so consumed in my own wins. <laugh> didn't even Speaker 1 00:17:30 Know. No. But I just, yeah. I was curious to see like if you actually received this energy on the other side of that, because I was really like, I kept this close to my heart. Speaker 3 00:17:40 Probably a coup like maybe I feel like I probably noticed a few times that, um, energy and excitement was in there. But like, even then I didn't think it was that. Like Speaker 1 00:17:51 I just, Speaker 3 00:17:51 It's just sometimes like, it's like cool with like, Speaker 1 00:17:54 You know. Yeah. It's not like sometimes it is like cool. Yeah. You know, depends Speaker 3 00:17:57 On you're gonna fucking jump up and like, this is such a natural part of our life. Like babe, like, Speaker 1 00:18:01 You know, manifest of a second <laugh>. Yeah. You're Speaker 3 00:18:03 Manifesting every, like, this is just such a norm for us. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:18:06 So basically I was so ashamed of it that like, bothered me. I, I didn't allow this feeling to come up because I was like, what the actual fuck, this is your best friend. Mm. This is the business that you're in. Sure. You were in the business of empowering people to fucking love their life, to wanna change their life. I was like, what are you doing? What are you actually doing? Like why is this feeling here? This is not hot. Fucking put it in the bin. Right. I hated it. I was like, this is disgusting. So I was shaming myself. I was like, you are like a horrible person for feeling that. Speaker 3 00:18:38 Oh, Speaker 1 00:18:38 That's so cool. And yeah. And I would just push it down and push it down and push it down. Push it down. I did this for months and months and months. Months maybe nearly the whole of 2022. Oh shit. So, because I was just like so fucking annoyed that that feeling was there, that I would ignore it. And that is the opposite of everything that we teach and preach. Never ever annoy, uh, annoy fucking ignore a feeling that is coming up because of a feeling is coming up. It means that there is something that needs to be looked at there. Speaker 3 00:19:08 A hundred percent. A hundred percent. I agree. And I feel like, um, that for with my journey in particular, I know you're gonna get into this story more because I started so later, like even with like some of the people we speak into their, um, in this space, I really learnt earlier on, like, I watched people get success while I wasn't. So I feel like very, at the early it became my norm and it became something I had to just kind of deal with. Like, oh, I'm starting this a little bit later than everyone. Of course everyone's gonna be a bit more progressed. And I feel like maybe it wasn't that you didn't get that expo like experience as well, so you couldn't explore, you couldn't explore this as well. Do you Speaker 1 00:19:47 Feel? No, I just feel like I didn't allow myself to Speaker 3 00:19:50 Explore it. Yeah. Fair enough. Fair Speaker 1 00:19:52 Enough. You know what I mean? Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And it's not something that came up with my other friends, like my other friends in this space getting wins. It did at the start because I had the wound of there's not enough to go around. Speaker 3 00:20:01 Yeah. Like you were working through though, those limiting Speaker 1 00:20:03 Beliefs. Yeah. I was working through the standard that you hear online like, you know, there's not enough to go around. Success is limited. You know, some, you know, if some someone's getting successful, I was making a story out of it, meaning that I wasn't gonna be successful, but I really like worked past that. Yeah. Speaker 3 00:20:20 That's like old news Speaker 1 00:20:21 <laugh>. Yeah. That was like Speaker 3 00:20:22 Law of one jump on my 13 Universal as macOS, if you wanna learn more Speaker 1 00:20:25 <laugh>. Yeah, exactly. Right, right. So it's just like, it was a really, it was one of those things that was, it wasn't that like I had Speaker 3 00:20:34 Done, you had that awareness. Speaker 1 00:20:34 You I had done that work. Right. I'd worked through that. I didn't have this feeling come up with any of my other friends in the industry, but I had it with Nadia really strong. Mm-hmm. So, and I that, that's what like made me sad. I was like, like, well how can I be so joyful and happy for my other friends and empower them and like, you know, and it wasn't that I wasn't empowering Nadia, like I still, Speaker 3 00:20:54 No, she not at all. You were happy Speaker 1 00:20:55 For me. I didn't project this onto her. I pushed this down. This is just like deep, deep, deep, deep. But Speaker 3 00:21:00 You were still happy for me. I know you Speaker 1 00:21:01 Were. I was. Because obviously like I want this for you. Yeah. You know, OB obviously Speaker 3 00:21:06 I do. There's some things that Schuls has done that one day will talk about that has like helped me along my journey. So Speaker 1 00:21:13 That's just, oh hell fucking yeah. Like I'm, yeah, it definitely, definitely will talk about that in future I'm sure. But anyway, so please don't get me wrong in that I wasn't treating like Nadia like Speaker 3 00:21:22 Shit's No, Speaker 1 00:21:23 Not at all. She didn't even know that it was happening. This is all just internal. But I wanna talk to those that might be ashamed of feelings that they're feeling at the moment. I've Speaker 3 00:21:32 Had this with, this is something I speak about with my clients, so it's there. Yeah, Speaker 1 00:21:35 Exactly. Right. Speaker 3 00:21:36 It's something to be Speaker 1 00:21:37 Ashamed of. Yeah. It's nothing to be ashamed of. And that's really what I wanna shed light on in this episode. So I pushed it down, didn't allow myself to explore it until, until one day, I can't remember what it was. It was a couple of months ago. You ended up getting some sort of win again. The feeling came up, a trigger came up. Speaker 3 00:22:00 Someone buy something in my business. Speaker 1 00:22:02 No, I can't remember. Speaker 3 00:22:05 Okay. I Speaker 1 00:22:06 Don't remember what it was. Something. Speaker 3 00:22:08 There's that many <laugh>, there's that many wins. Speaker 1 00:22:10 That's just something triggered me again. And I just had enough at this point. I was like, this is not the energy I wanna keep in this friendship. I don't wanna have this, I don't wanna project this on naia. I want to be happy for her. And I wanted so badly to tell you as well, I wanted to tell you that this was coming up, but I didn't feel like I was safe to tell you because I felt embarrassed by it. Do you know what I mean? And I didn't want it to like ruin the friendship or something like that. Yeah. So I was like, you know what, I'm just gonna fucking let the feeling come up. So I did this all like on my own internally and I was like, I'm just gonna let this feeling come up. So I let it come up. I let the feeling rise up and up and up and up and up and I just allow it to be there. And it was really, really fucking uncomfortable. And I like had so much shame around it and I was just like, okay, I need to put the shame aside because the shame isn't doing anything for Speaker 3 00:23:01 Me. Yeah. Like, what's that helping? Like how are you gonna get to the bottom? Like just stop. Like it's about, you know what, I think it's sometimes it's a good thing when these things come up because it's a chance to clear it so Speaker 1 00:23:10 Well. Exactly. Right. It was something that was just asking for attention. So I did, I allowed it to come up and at the start I was trying to consciously make sense of the feeling. So I was using my logical mind to be like, okay, well maybe you feel this way, surely because you were, you know, in the schooling system we were taught to be in competition with each other with grades and things like that. So maybe I'm feeling like Nadia's success means that I won't be successful. Mm-hmm. Speaker 3 00:23:39 <affirmative>. Well that's usually what it is, right? Speaker 1 00:23:41 Yeah. Well I thought, is it jealousy? And I was like, well it's, it's not, not like that didn't feel right. Although consciously it felt like what should have been the answer. Yeah. So I was like, mm. In my body though I knew that it didn't feel right. Yeah. And I really wanna highlight this point because so many people are doing the subconscious work on a conscious level. Speaker 3 00:24:06 Yeah. Like, they're not actually going deep enough to Speaker 1 00:24:09 See No. And this is something that Nadia and I like really preach in everything that we do. And Nadia's masterclass is also like gonna really dive in on this top like this point Yeah. Of actually diving Speaker 3 00:24:21 Programs are young. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:24:23 How Speaker 3 00:24:23 To do this shadow work on a subconscious level, not a conscious one. Speaker 1 00:24:27 Yeah. And your subconscious mind specifically like diving deep into your programming because so many people are looking at what they see online and they're looking at that as, okay, this millionaire online has everything that I want. And the belief that they needed to shift in order to get there was this belief. And then they're sitting there working on that belief thinking consciously it makes sense for them, but subconsciously it could be something completely different for you. And that's why nothing changes in your reality. Nothing shifts. You get nowhere out of it. Like Speaker 3 00:25:07 Even I was listening to an episode with Manifestation Babe and James Wedmore who are in this space, and he was talking about how um, he, when he, he was so triggered by Woowoo spirituality stuff, he just did not agree with it. Right. And on the conscious level, he used to say that it was because, um, you know, because it was dumb and like, you know, he wasn't taught that his parents didn't grow up. Like all those reasons. Like, well I didn't grow up that way. I don't believe in it, blah, blah blah. But then when he got like deeper at a subconscious level, he realizes, because his belief was that he had to work hard and he was triggered that all the work he had done, all the stuff that he truly believed. And he was the wo the shadow was like, I don't, I'm too scared to actually admit that this is like what I've been doing for years isn't, hasn't so like, isn't actually true. Speaker 3 00:25:58 Mm. Because his whole business model was about working hard, like teaching people that like basically hustle. And then he realized like, oh my God, my whole business is designed by this. That's why he was so triggered. But on the conscious level, it's like, yeah, well it's dumb. Like, cuz I logically see that when you work hard, money comes in. Like, you know, of course if you have that belief, that's what you're gonna see in your reality. But the shadow was just like ashamed, like holy shit. Like I, everything I know is out the window. So when you actually asked yourself the legit questions, you Speaker 1 00:26:28 Get deep. Yeah. And you get to the root of what is in your programming and then you can actually change it. Yeah. Because it wasn't until I could actually shed light on what was happening on a subconscious level, could I then shift it? Because all of these superficial explanations that felt like should have been right as to why I was feeling this way towards Nadia weren't, they weren't quite satisfying me. Yeah. And I could have stopped there and been like, that was it. And in the past I used to, because I didn't wanna go to the deep root of what was causing me the pain. But luckily we know this work now. So I was able to go deeper and I actually just set the intention. I love working with the universe. I don't believe we have to do this stuff alone. So I always asked the universe for help. So I did. I said, universe, please show me what the fuck is going on. I'm ready to get rid of this. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, why do I feel this way? Because these reasons don't feel right. So I think it took about three weeks before this answer actually came to me. Yeah. Shit, it was a long time. Usually it happens faster than that, but three weeks it took around for this answer to come through and all of a sudden again, you gotta win. The feeling came up. Shit. I was like, I Speaker 3 00:27:42 Was gonna ask you like how did it, like how did it come about Speaker 1 00:27:44 You? Yeah. You gotta win. The feeling came up and then all of a sudden this clarity washed over me cuz I let, I let the feeling come up and then I got to see this belief. And I always look at my subconscious mind like a little child cuz it's like child Chile. Cause a lot of our programming comes from that time when we were children and I could just hear this voice that was like, I'm scared she's gonna leave me. Mm. And I was like, oh. Speaker 3 00:28:12 Because you have a deep abandonment wound. Speaker 1 00:28:15 Yeah. So for those of you that aren't familiar with my story, I have a really, really deep abandonment wound that I'm working on that plays like, that's played out throughout my life. And Speaker 3 00:28:24 It's like clinging on to like, it's so like, almost basically fizzled out. It's like a wants to cling onto these Speaker 1 00:28:31 Tiny Yeah. It shows up in different areas of my life now. So it's this belief that people are gonna love me and leave me. Mm-hmm. They're gonna love me and they're only gonna love me when they need me for something. So then once that clarity came in, I was able to go deeper into it and I actually got to see what was happening. So I have this abandonment wound that people are gonna love me and leave me. And what I realized was happening was at the start of our awakening journey, I had my awakening before Nadia. So I was guiding her through the first part of her journey. She would come to me for a lot of questions and I would help her. Now we're at the part where we're on par with each other. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, which she helps me just as much as I help her. And it's a very like symbiotic relationship. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, we're at the same level. Same way of thinking. Same way of everything. Yeah. Speaker 3 00:29:22 Except I haven't seen an alien in my bedroom. Speaker 1 00:29:25 Yeah. You gotta get onto that. Speaker 3 00:29:26 Yeah. This is the, uh, setting the intention right now, universe. Speaker 1 00:29:29 This is the, uh, she's gonna see an alien in her bedroom. Speaker 3 00:29:32 Bedroom. Yeah. Manifesting it. Actually, I, I've been having nightmares about some stuff. I really don't need to see an alien. It's Speaker 1 00:29:38 Quite universe. It's actually quite overwhelming. Yeah. Speaker 3 00:29:40 I do not need any more of that Speaker 1 00:29:42 <laugh>. So anyway, I realize that this feeling was there and then I go deeper into it. I start to explore it and I was like, okay. At the start of our friendship or at the start of her spiritual awakening, I was her guide. I was helping her. Then she grows really fast. So we're the same, we're on par, we're on the same level as each other. And now when she's getting her wins, a story was going on in my head that I wasn't allowing myself to see cuz I was ashamed and I was pushing it down was that if she wins, if she gets a win and she gets her manifestation, she is one step closer to her success. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And that means that she doesn't need me anymore. Yeah. That means that she doesn't, because what I actually noticed was happening, and this only came later, was whenever you would get a win, I would then go into trying to help coach you some more. Speaker 3 00:30:37 I did notice that a bit. Yeah. That Speaker 1 00:30:39 I did. I was like, what the fuck? Speaker 3 00:30:41 But not even like when I say notice, I don't mean like I, I thought it was because of that. I just, I did notice that Speaker 1 00:30:49 There's two things with that. Cuz then Nadia has also, you also have a wind of I'm not doing a good enough job. Speaker 3 00:30:55 Yeah. So I probably thrived off it. Speaker 1 00:30:56 Yeah. I was like, tell Speaker 3 00:30:57 Me babe. Speaker 1 00:30:57 Yeah. You're like, tell me what I can do. Right. Or like, you know what I mean? So she had that win playing and then I had the wound of, I need to be her teacher. So she relies on me more. So she doesn't go off without me because in my head, my subconscious mind thought if NAIA wins, she's gonna get a win and she's gonna leave me cuz she's not gonna need me anymore. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And she's gonna abandon me and she's gonna leave our friendship because it's Speaker 3 00:31:19 Like you have this thing that people only like friends with you because they need you. Speaker 1 00:31:22 Yeah. And, uh, because you've Speaker 3 00:31:24 Been like, just to give you background as Chile, like I was the youngest sibling, so it was kind of like I relied on other people. Right. It's like this independence that I've been working on. Whereas Shuls was that leader. So it's kind of like your whole life you've been that person that like, you know, your your family friends and like your sister have looked up to, whereas I was that younger one that looked up. So I don't have that like people, like, it's kind of the opposite for me. It's like something I'm working on is being actually a leader in this space mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Whereas you've always had that and you've had that dynamic with your friendships. Like they go like they seek advice from you. Yeah. So it's kind of like when that's triggered, it's like Yeah. Speaker 1 00:32:00 Yeah. Speaker 3 00:32:00 That you can see how that's happened. Speaker 1 00:32:02 You can, you see how it plays out. Absolutely. And it's wild to like look at like how you grew up and these dynamics and you see like friendships that people attract. But yeah, I, Speaker 3 00:32:11 I Speaker 1 00:32:11 Was u I'm used to being needed. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. So when I'm not needed I'm thinking, okay, well what reason do they have to stay with me cuz of my abandonment wounds. Yeah. And then I'm like, they're gonna leave me cuz I have no value to provide in the friendship anymore. So that clarity came over me, it was like hell of fucking lu. And obviously that is completely illogical and that's something else I wanna highlight when it comes to the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind is completely illogical. Yeah. It makes no sense. It's Speaker 3 00:32:43 Literally what it's doing is it's getting past memories. And because it doesn't <laugh> we're like the only species that like project like past memories into the future. Like, like when it becomes like traumatic and we literally, it's the subconscious mind is getting a past memory. So partially is now projecting what's happened in the past or that and like projecting that into the future. It's like can't switch off that memory. And it's like fight or flight. Fight or flight Speaker 1 00:33:12 <laugh>. Yeah, exactly. Right. So it's applying Yeah. Past things and then now and it's not true. No. Speaker 3 00:33:19 So Speaker 1 00:33:20 You Speaker 3 00:33:20 Want a tip? Wait, sorry. I just wanna say, yeah, you want a good tip. Like don't live your life in a, in alignment with like what is likely to happen. Because that's just like if you, the, the best way to manifest is just being so open to difference in the future. Like, don't ever believe that your past is a representation of your future. Again, I just want to Speaker 1 00:33:40 Add that in. Yeah, no it's really true. Yeah. Because that just limits so much of what you can actually experience and so much of what you have access to. Speaker 3 00:33:47 Yeah. Legit. Because yeah. Anyway, in Speaker 1 00:33:50 Possibilities we going, we actually spoke about the quantum field and a couple of our last episodes, so you can check them out if you wanna learn more about that topic. Yeah. But just coming back onto the subconscious mind, it is completely illogical. So a lot of people are trying to make sense. Like they're trying to use logic to analyze why they're feeling a certain way and where it's coming from and it's keeping them really like, it's keeping the work very superficial. They're not allowing themselves to go deep because the subconscious mind is completely illogical. It comes from past like, you know, past children, memories, memories and things like that. And it's applying it to everyday life. So obviously that makes no sense. Why the fuck would Nadia's success mean that she leaves the friendship? Yeah. Makes no sense. But doesn't mean that that's not what I'm feeling on the inside. Yeah. So once that came up I was able to obviously do the work around it, which, you know, NA's gonna go into in that masterclass that she is running. Yeah. So you know how to actually deal with it and handle it. Right. So I end up realizing that I do the work and I like as soon it was almost like as soon as I saw what it was, I was able to sort of reason with the subconscious mind in that moment and be like, oh babe, that's not true. Yeah. Speaker 3 00:35:07 Okay. Like yeah. Like even finding facts for your subconscious mind to be like, how's that even, there's no relevance Speaker 1 00:35:13 To that. Well honestly, I'm really working with like, like I'm using like physical evidence with the subconscious mind, which again, Nadia's masterclass if you wanna learn about it. <laugh>. So I've been using physical evidence and I just use Yeah. Evidence to be like, can that really is, does that make sense? Yeah. Can we Speaker 3 00:35:32 Really? Is that even fucking Speaker 1 00:35:34 Yeah. And as soon as I got to see where, where it really came from, I'm telling you the feeling close to dissipated, it was like hardly even there. But then there was this like little bit of, I'm just a really honest person. I have a Scorpio moon, I, when I love someone I have to tell them everything. Yeah. And Nadia and I often talk about like the things that we're going through and I actually had decided in that moment that I was too ashamed to tell Nadia that this would ever even happened. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. So I didn't wanna tell her, but I knew that that was the next part of my healing journey to show myself that I forgive myself and that I knew that I didn't actually feel that way dear. Speaker 3 00:36:07 But also to show that we don't have that level of friendship Speaker 1 00:36:10 Like that we have a Yeah. Speaker 3 00:36:12 Yeah. But that, you know, we don't just teach this stuff. We live a either like Speaker 1 00:36:16 Yeah, yeah, yeah. And I really tried to convince myself, I was like, I don't need to tell Nadia, like this is a personal thing that I was going through. And I was like, no, this is the next part of your healing journey. I was like, you're gonna tell her. So I did. I told you. And it felt really good cuz I felt like that was like the final piece of what I needed to do, like to tell you what was happening. And honestly it's not there at all now. Yeah. And it feels so fucking Speaker 3 00:36:38 Liberating. It's like that Speaker 1 00:36:41 Honestly. That's exactly what it feels like. And if it comes up a little bit, it doesn't take over my body and it's not like a trigger. And I could just be like, go to that little version of me that's worried that Nadia's gonna leave the friendship. Imagine you like full, like dump me as a friend now after this whole story. Well that Speaker 3 00:36:55 Would be stupid because I even, I think I even spoken about it on the podcast that like when the only reason I've been able to like start my own business and like go into this world is because I saw you doing it. Yeah. And like seeing other like that a wound of like, oh shit, I wanna do that. Like that triggering like Yeah. Like it's the only, like, if you can use that trigger to your advantage Speaker 1 00:37:16 Yeah. Speaker 3 00:37:17 It's, it's beneficial. Speaker 1 00:37:19 Yeah. Yeah. Sorry, I'm like, is a bit random. No, because Speaker 3 00:37:23 I, I have spoken about it before in one of the episodes how my journey started with being triggered by you. Speaker 1 00:37:27 Oh yeah, Speaker 3 00:37:28 Yeah, yeah. So like being triggered by like, you were just, your, not even, I wouldn't even say your success cuz you were just like starting it. Well that is success, but that ability to like go after what you want and stuff like that, that was triggering me cuz I was like, you can't, yeah. You can't do that. And it's just like, it is a f I guess a form of like jealousy that like you had like that level of freedom to go and do what you want. I was like, kind of like, who the fuck do you think you are, bro? Speaker 1 00:37:53 Yeah. Yeah. Speaker 3 00:37:55 It's so funny. This is like unconscious. Like Yeah, Speaker 1 00:37:57 No, I remember that. Yeah, I do remember that. Speaker 3 00:37:59 And like, I'm so grateful at the start of my journey and to say that like, yeah, I'm gonna say at the start of my journey, a lot of these like wounds of feeling triggered and stuff like that came up a lot because I did not give myself permission And I, I feel like the universe shoved that in my face. Like shove that whole, like, you gotta work through like watching other people get it Speaker 1 00:38:22 Mm-hmm. <affirmative> Speaker 3 00:38:24 So you can actually fully embody what you're teaching. I know I went through that for a reason cuz I actually have a universal laws mask class on the 13, 13 universal laws mask class. And one of the laws is the law of one. And I, when I learned that, I was like, no, you need to, you need to embody this. I can say that hands down that I can embody it because I had to work Speaker 1 00:38:46 Through it. This is a complete side note, but it actually baffles me how lots of people don't know the universal laws. Mm. And they don't know like, how to apply it to their own life. And so much of like what they're doing, they're not realizing they're getting back into their life. Yeah. I highly fucking recommend this masterclass. Just a side note to go really deep on that, because it's everything. It's, Speaker 3 00:39:10 It's actually everything. So like the, the law of one just says like, what's possible for one, it's possible for all. And it's just, yeah. It's just one of those things that you can consciously know that, but until you start embodying that you won't, you won't give yourself permission to go after the things that you want. Speaker 1 00:39:26 Yeah, exactly Right. Yeah. But there's power. There is power in going into your triggers. Mm. And I hope vulnerable story helps you to be vulnerable with yourself. Speaker 3 00:39:37 Yeah. Like guys, I just wanna say like, shule being so vulnerable right now is gonna help so many of you just admit it because I know, because I've been a, I've I've done coaching, I know like this comes up a lot, but like, that's a big effort for Shuls to come online with this many people on the podcast. And this is gonna be for years to come. So you should be really proud of yourself to even me, I know I've spoken about it before, but I think we will continue to be as honest and vulnerable about this stuff. But it takes, it takes a, that's a lot because she's doing this because she cares about you. Like she cares about making, like not making you feel shame for what's coming up. Speaker 1 00:40:15 Yeah, absolutely. And I think like even you to be able to like sit there and hear it, that somebody's being triggered by your success, like your best friend. Like Speaker 3 00:40:25 Yeah. Speaker 1 00:40:25 That's also a lot to take in. Speaker 3 00:40:27 But I'm, yeah. I'm obviously self-aware, so Speaker 1 00:40:30 Yeah. No, what Speaker 3 00:40:31 I even say, I was like, oh, that's all right. <laugh>, Speaker 1 00:40:33 You weren't even Yeah, she was laughing. She was like, oh babe, babe, that's ok. <laugh>. And I was just like, I know Nads, but let me explain. Speaker 3 00:40:41 Yeah, no, I just thought, yeah, I guess like when we talk about it a little bit deeper like this, it goes, yeah, I reckon I was just in the best mood that day. I was like, Speaker 1 00:40:49 Yeah, you were so funny. You were, I I think you're a bit awkward. You're a bit little, little bit Speaker 3 00:40:53 Awkward. Yeah. I'm, I'm an awkward person sometimes. Speaker 1 00:40:55 You are an awkward person. I'm Speaker 3 00:40:56 An awkward like, Speaker 1 00:40:57 Babe. That's ok. Well, Speaker 3 00:40:59 I just didn't wanna make Speaker 1 00:40:59 You feel like all I know you were trying to make me, I was expecting that. Speaker 3 00:41:02 I was like, my concern was making you feel like you were okay. I was like, well, Speaker 1 00:41:06 Yeah, I know. Speaker 3 00:41:07 So, you Speaker 1 00:41:08 Know. No, I appreciate it. It's, it's cool to, Speaker 3 00:41:10 It's cool to admit because we all have it. Like yeah, we all, we all get it. But like, it's just how well you can use it to your advantage. Like, and also it's like cool to it. It's like, it's so funny how consciously you know this, you know, when someone's getting something, it means you're vibrating on that frequency and stuff like that. But it takes work to embody that. Speaker 1 00:41:29 Yeah. It takes, it really does. Speaker 3 00:41:31 It takes such work to embody that. I remember like, even going back, I remember when I hadn't even made a sale in my business and I was watching everyone make sales. I think, like I said at the start, it was like that. And I was just like, fuck, it's not working. Like I, I kind of always knew like it was something wrong with me. Like it's al it's always is Speaker 3 00:41:49 <laugh>. Like yeah, always is. But then I fully made the decision. I'm like, no, if they're getting success, it means that, like I'm vibrating on that frequency too. Like that it's possible for me. It's possible for me. And I remember just, I was so new to this world, I was like, I look back at like mid 20, 22 at the start, I was so new to this world, but I made a pact to myself, I will never do that again. I will never like, feel that something I'm not, like, I'll never limit myself. And then that, that sale that came through, I was like, fuck. Yeah. It really was vibrating. Speaker 1 00:42:18 Yeah. I love that, that you highlighted that looking at other people's success as a, from the lens of Oh, it's coming into my reality now. Yeah. And it's 1111. Speaker 3 00:42:28 Yeah. And it's just, yeah, it's one of those things that it, it's a good, it's not a, I don't look at, um, those sort of triggers as bad anymore. I'm like, okay, like something to explore and it's just a natural part of the human being experience. And it's like what you do with Speaker 1 00:42:42 It, it's what you do with it. It's how you handle it. It's knowing how to actually talk to your subconscious mind to get through it. So yeah. Again, if you need more help with that, Nadia's Masterclass has got you covered. You can sign up in the description below, but I think we'll leave it there for Speaker 3 00:43:00 Today. Yeah, let's leave it here for today. Speaker 1 00:43:02 We're closing this out on 1111. Exactly. Which is so beautiful. And in a line, um, in alignment. Well, I can't speak. I need food now. You Speaker 3 00:43:11 Need food? What is that? 11? 11? Yeah. Speaker 1 00:43:13 Wow. Where have you been? Let's go. Batia needs to get off. I Speaker 3 00:43:16 Need to Speaker 1 00:43:17 Get off. All right. We Speaker 3 00:43:18 A nice Speaker 1 00:43:18 Chat though. Yeah, it was nice. Speaker 3 00:43:19 All right, <laugh>. Sounds good. Hope this has helped you all who are feeling this way. Speaker 1 00:43:24 Yeah. And have a lovely day or night wherever you are in the world. If you love today's episode, Speaker 3 00:43:28 Please Speaker 1 00:43:29 Do not forget to rate the Speaker 3 00:43:30 Review I choose, or Spotify. Speaker 1 00:43:31 If you would love to connect with us on a more intimate platform, you can find us both on Instagram and at Nadia Galley. We would love to connect you. Thanks for listening.

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