These Mindset Tools Are Making Your Limiting Beliefs & Anxious Thoughts WORSE!

November 04, 2024 00:59:29
These Mindset Tools Are Making Your Limiting Beliefs & Anxious Thoughts WORSE!
Consciously Thriving Podcast
These Mindset Tools Are Making Your Limiting Beliefs & Anxious Thoughts WORSE!

Nov 04 2024 | 00:59:29


Show Notes

Join Nadia & Shule in this weeks episode – “These Mindset Tools Are Making Your Limiting Beliefs & Anxious Thoughts WORSE!”In this episode, Shule & Nadia have a deep conversation on why most people are taught to move past their limiting beliefs through their mind which is just creating more resistance and anxiety in the body. Both Nadia & Shule go on to explain the most effective way you should be approaching your doubt & resistance in life in order for you to actually feel better and no longer identify with the stories coming up. Stay connected with us! Work […]
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[00:00:00] Hello, and welcome back to another episode of the consciously thriving podcast. Happy Halloween. Happy Halloween. Cheers. [00:00:08] This is actually red wine. I actually haven't taken a sip yet. I should be drinking red wine. It's 10:40 in the morning. 10:40. Have we been sitting here for, like, nearly two hours being, like, actual shit? Yeah, we actually have. No, that's a problem. That's a problem. I did not know. We have to wait for the sun. [00:00:27] The sun was gone by, like, a long time ago. When she says we have to wait for the sun, it's in reference to filming, because we film this for YouTube. So you can actually. There's a lot going on right now. Hold on. Okay. Yeah, there's a lot because I'm like, we're dressed in Halloween outfits. Like, we addressed this. There's so much to give you guys reference on what she's talking about. We film this for YouTube. So if you prefer to watch the podcast on YouTube and you want to actually, like, see us, you can actually join us on YouTube and you can see the video version of this podcast there. So we have to wait for, like, a specific time of day to film, because sometimes the light comes through the window in this, like, lounge room of mine, and it looks really funky. Like, it just makes us look dark, and it's just so shit. There have been so many times that we've. Hold on, let me explain this. There are so many times where we've actually, like, had to, like, not film. And we couldn't film for the day because the sun was coming in this, like, awkward way, and it made us look so funny. Anyway, that's. That. That's what she's referring to. And then the next elephant in the room is what we look like right now. [00:01:34] Okay. I look semi normal. So for those who are listening on the podcast, I mean, Batman. Batwoman. Yeah, I'm Batwoman. You keep calling yourself Batman. I know. Parking down there, sweetie. What? I said, what do you got? [00:01:49] No. So I am Batwoman. And sh. I am more from the Acotar series. If you know who I am, if you know who I'm referring to right now, then we need to be best friends. I automatically want to hang out with you. DM me. Talk to me. I'm like, I literally like, finding book besties is my favorite pastime. I even have a book title. [00:02:13] If you know. You know the book Girlies get it. The fantasy book Girlies get it. The romantic girl is. Anyway, yeah, so my friend, my sister had these, like, Fae ears, and I was like, oh, My God, I have a red dress. I'm gonna be more. And I just knew it. I'm being her. Love it. You either know who I am or you don't. And she's like, yeah, always carrying a wine. So that's what that wine is. Love it. So welcome to this Halloween episode. And we're from Australia, so I don't actually. Not a big thing here. It's not a big thing here. Chile sent me a video of these podcasters in America, and she's like, we need to do this. And I was like, stop trying to make fetch happen. They were dressed up in the video. You don't give context. No, I said don't give context. I said they did a podcast episode dressed in Halloween. No, you didn't. Yes, I did. I did not hear that. You didn't listen properly. Fuck. All right, sorry. Well, I thought you didn't give context. I was like, bruh. I said they were in Halloween. [00:03:05] They were in Halloween costumes. You just said that they were in Halloween. They get what I mean. Come on. They were dressed up for Halloween. They would. [00:03:13] They were dressed up for Halloween. They looked so good. And I was just like, oh, my God, we have to dress up as if we couldn't. But I was like, we're from. On Halloween. Yeah, but I'm not from Australia. I know, but I feel like everyone in Australia is trying to make Halloween happy. They are. And I feel like this year, like, I went to a Halloween party on the weekend, and I'm like, wow, this is actually. I wish we had more of this in shirts. It's actually really fun. Where the change makers. Like, I actually had this last year with my partner. I decorated my house in, like, spring spooky shit so people would come trick or treat here. And Dan's like, why? Like, stop it. You know, because he's like, we're not American. And I'm just like, shut the fuck up. We need to be the change. I want to see more of this. I love, like, holidays. No, I agree. I agree. I was actually thinking that. I was like, it's getting bigger. It's getting home to the rest of Australia. It's because, like, now we have access to, like, Instagram and connected to the rest of the world. And it's like, we see everyone dressing up, and we're like, why the fuck are we not doing it? We're losers. Yeah, let's do it. Let's do it. We're the losers. We have the losers. So, yeah, you know what? I'm like, I roped Nadia into dressing up today. When I suggested it to her, she's like, come on. And I was like, nah, you're doing it. It's just happening. No, we're doing something after this. So I was like, we're wearing costumes for that question mark. And she's like, for the podcast. Yeah. No, no, But I'm here now and I'm vibing it, so enjoy. I'm doing a Halloween party. I'm telling you, I'm taking this to the next fucking level. Yeah, it's gonna be the saddest party of our lives, I reckon. Just like me, you, and my sister and her friend. But it's okay. [00:04:40] And your mum and my mom. Oh, yeah, my mom's coming. No, it's something nice to do for Shue's little sister. Yeah, it'll be nice. Well, it's literally for us too. It's for me. Literally for me. Oh, we need to put all that and a child coming out. Literally. But no, seriously, let's vibe out to this Halloween episode. Exactly. So that's the costumes. Happy Halloween. Spooky season. We're making it a thing in Australia. Yeah. Now. Yeah. What are we going to talk about in today's episode? Why don't you introduce the topic? Yeah. So today's episode is going to be all around why you cannot overcome your limiting beliefs. Yes. I'm actually really excited to talk about this because this has been, like, something that's been coming up for me quite a bit this week. I've had, like, you know, some limiting thoughts, anxious thoughts really, like, coming at me. And the way that I'm walking myself through it is so different to how I used to walk myself through it. And I can just see how much more, like, effective it is now with how I, like, meet myself when I have anxious thoughts. [00:05:44] And it blows my mind to think that I did it any other way. And I'm being cryptic now, but let's actually, like, dive into the juice. Yeah. So for the. When it comes to limiting beliefs, often time, like when we get into this space, we are very much taught to overcome limiting beliefs from a very mental. Like, you, you. You overcoming them from the mind. And, like, the journey that we've been on is that whilst we can overcome, like, working through limiting beliefs from the mind and, like, doing a lot of, like, reprogramming, some conscious reprogramming from the mind doesn't always heal your anxiety and it doesn't shift things in the body. Right. This is why the beliefs and the things that you do want to hold into your body, like the abundance frequencies you do want to hold, they don't translate because you're only challenging them from the mind and your body doesn't come on board. So this journey for the both of us has really been about realizing like the way we've been working through them has just been this endless loop, right? So when we get into this space, like some of the ways in which we are working through limiting beliefs have been, you know, challenging the belief, like actually like writing down your beliefs, like looking at like what you're currently believing and then flipping the script or looking at some of the stories that are going on and like problem solving them, which is only actually keeping you in this like forever loop. Yeah, I love what you mentioned there. It's like you're trying to overcome mental like mind games through mental mind games. And you notice and you've likely had this experience before where you're working through a limiting belief and you literally feel like no matter what you do, it never ends, right? It's like you for example, I feel like this is a good example. So an example that people use a lot when they have like limiting beliefs to work through worst case scenario scenarios, right? So they'll be like, okay, so I'm afraid right now, my mind, my energy is afraid of like worst case scenario happening, right? So the go to method to overcome a worst case scenario that's like in the industry that we see a lot of is go into the worst case scenario scenario and address it head on, right? And be like, okay, let's go into this worst case scenario. What am I afraid of happening? Let's use a business owner as an example, right? I'm afraid of losing it all. I'm afraid of my partner leaving me and having nothing, having to live in a car, failed law, like, but that's what it leads to essentially, right? That's the worst case. The worst case that you fail and it doesn't work out, right? So then you go to that worst case and you're living out that like scenario and you're like meeting all of the emotions, you're feeling it all and you're just like letting it all go, right? And you're thinking you're letting it all go and then at the end of it you might feel this sense of relief like oh, in the end you realize that you're going to be fine without it. And that's the purpose of doing these worst case scenario exercises, right? So you go to the depths of it and then you realize, oh, in the end I'm fine, I have nothing to actually worry about. Right? But then what happens? Like a couple of minutes fucking later or the very next day, automatically you have something else that you're worrying about or the feeling is still there, it's not actually ever addressed. Right. You never actually feel good. And then the anxious feeling, the anxious thought just attaches onto something else and there's something else to worry about and go into worst case scenario about it's never okay. And then sometimes you'll even notice that maybe you even like give yourself reassuring thoughts. But then your mind would be like, but this, but that, but this. And you're sitting there literally addressing the but this, but that, but this. And you're literally dancing with the mind. Nadia and I refer to this as celcering. It's like you're. And like it's, it's your ego. So like that's like something I wanted to highlight as well. Like when we say mind, you're like, so what the ego actually like gets off to and like what's its job is your survival. So any, so any way it can grab your attention to make you alert to something being wrong or making you aware of a way in which you can soothe because like that's a pattern. So it's like panic comes up. The ego gets panicked about something and then it wants you to problem solve that so that it can soothe itself. But then because there is like a billion different things that could possibly go wrong. And like we're looking at like the worst case scenario example of like, you know, when those beliefs sort of come up, there is a billion things that can go not the ego's way. There's a billion things that could happen tomorrow. So the way in which we've been taught is to just like get continuously problem solve. And this is what the ego loves. Like this is how your ego stays in control. And a lot of people don't realize like they're working through their limiting beliefs or you are working through these fears and your doubts through your mind. And that's why your body never really feels like it can come on board and why you can't fully embody what it is that you want to like abundance frequencies and things like that. Because the ego is always in charge. Yes. And that's the thing. It's like you're, you're not actually, you're never moving out of those frequencies. You just keep dancing in those frequencies and you never feel this sense of satisfaction. Like you said, right. There's no, this feeling of, like, free and like, finally I don't have to feel this anymore. I will say, though, there's like, it's like a time and place for all of these conversations. Right. This isn't like such a black and white thing. Yeah, it's very nuanced. Exactly. And we love to, like, as humans put things in boxes and be like, okay, this is. This. This goes here. This is how it is always. And this goes here. And this is how that is always. And it's just not the fucking case. Because the conversation on doing the limiting belief work and challenging your beliefs. It's helpful depending on what stage of the journey that you're like, you're on. Right. It's like, there's a point where it's like, okay, because I remember me when I first started in this space, I was so negative. I had such negative thoughts about the world that I actually did need to challenge those beliefs. Yeah. I needed to talk to that ego side of me so that it had, like, less control over my life because it was controlling every part of my existence. Yeah. So it's like. It's like when. When a feeling or, like, a belief comes up, just say, like, if we use money, for example, it's like there will be a stage in which, like, you need to recognize the actual beliefs that you do hold around money. And, like, obviously this manifests through anxiety and worry and panic. Like, that's how you can tell, like, what the belief is. Yeah. And there will, like, it's like. It's not that when, you know, like, for example, if you're feeling scarcity around money that you don't, you just ignore it. It's just more of a sense of, like, sitting there day by day, working through it and, like, trying to challenge every little thing that comes up. It's like, there will be a time and place. And I still have these things when a thought comes up or a belief comes up where it feels like it's overtaking my body. And it's, like, important for me to practice what I'm preaching, but it's like not doing it from this place of, like. It's almost like you don't need to convince yourself of a different thing. It just feels more like no longer identifying with that because we know what the opposite belief is. We don't need to sit there and write it out. Tell yourself a thousand times, affirm it, that you know, you don't need to affirm it a thousand times. It's like, if you're having scarcity around money come up. It's like you feel those emotions and we'll go into this as well. But you don't need to sit there, like, being like, okay, what do I need to think now? What's the thought? I need to think, like, that is control. And like, that's what the ego wants. It's more around releasing the feeling and just coming back to the truth. That's how. That's how I see it. No, I agree. I think what like you highlighted there was. You already know the truth. And that's the thing, Right. Have you. I know you've had this experience. If you're drawn to this episode right now, it's like you've moved beyond the conversation of, like, doing the limiting belief work, challenging the thoughts and the shit. Right. The reason why you haven't been able to shift out of that way of doing things and into, like, the embodied way of being that you want to be. Right. You know that abundance exists. You know how the universe works. You know that everything is energy. You know who you want to be. You know that your dream life happens from the inside out. Right. You know all of this, but why can't you embody it? Because you're playing the mind game. You're trying to work through mental concepts with mental concepts. It doesn't work like that. Right. What you're supposed to be actually doing was what Nadia just said there, which is you have to now stop, like, identifying with the beliefs and allow them to be there without attaching to them. Right. And this is the scariest part, and this is the next part of the journey where it's like, you've done that. There's two energies that exist within you. You have the part of you that sees the world through lack of limitation, that has those thoughts that come up. But then you also have that. Have that. You also have that part of you that knows the truth, who's been a seasoned veteran at this for a while. Right. You follow your intuition. You know the truth. You know how this works. You've experienced. Experienced abundance. You've experienced manifestations coming to fruition. You know how this works. But why do you keep. Like, how are you keeping yourself in this, like, up and down reality where it's like, sometimes good, then not, then sometimes good, then not. Right. Why are you on this roller coaster? It's because of this. Yeah. Because you are identifying with the limiting beliefs, which is something that you touched on. Yeah. And you're in. And like, the important thing here is, like, how the ego is like, and this is what the ego's job is. So it's like, we get into this world to, like, break free from the limiting beliefs coming from the ego. But again, like, because the ego is so loud and because it's so wanting to just protect you, that. Yeah, like, we can. We can literally get into spirals. And I think, like, it's so interesting. Like, have you had, like, actual moments, like, where you've seen clients? Like, because I can see it, like, when I'm. Like, sometimes when you're in it, it's a little bit hard. But, like, with your clients and things that. Have you had examples of, like, when you've noticed them, like, trying to solve it or, like, examples of, like, actually, like, having to work through. Yeah, for sure, for sure. With clients, with myself, like, it's still something that I do because, like, I have to catch myself out. Like I said, this week was, like, a big week for me in terms of, like, that shit coming up for me with the ego wanting to go into problem solving and wanting to go into, like, spirals of worry and anxious thoughts. And I could see the emotion and the energy starting up, but it was like, there was this point where I was like, oh, in the past, I would have actually gone into it and I would have tried to, like, go into the belief and be like, oh, why do you feel this way? Why is this coming up? But it's like, I'm beyond that conversation now. And it's like, what you actually need to do. If you're listening to this and you're like, well, then what the fuck do you do? Like, how do you move through it? Yeah, how you do it is you don't do anything. And that's why I say this is, like, the most challenging thing that for people, because it's, like, uncomfortable. Don't do anything. Right. Don't express the feeling. This is a really important conversation. Don't express the feeling. What do I mean by expression? Don't go into it. Don't give it a voice. So can I give an example of that so people actually understand as well? So a good example was my partner is quite new to business, so he's been doing business now, like, on his own. He's been doing really well for, like, the last four months, I would say. And now he's going into a season with his business where. And he's not into, like, he's into personal development, but he's not fully into this world. So he's learning. So this week, and because he's in like the building industry, he's like architectural draftsman. So during December and January, a lot of the building industry is a little bit more quiet. Right. Like, that's not always the case. Like, that's just, you know, Christmas time for us. So things go slow down. So he went into a little bit of a panic around like, oh, business is going to slow down. And just like, you know what happens? Like starting to worry a little bit. Yeah. And rather than him feeding that thought and going into this is what I'm gonna do, if that happened, this is how I'm gonna solve it out. Or convincing himself he's got like, that's another thing. Convincing himself he's going to be okay. And this was the advice I was giving him. This is like, I'm giving you like what I want rather than attaching to what would I do in this situation, how am I going to feel? [00:18:03] Am I going to be okay? Am I not going to be okay? Any of that. Like any form of mind problem solving what he needs to do and like what you need to do when these feelings come up is feel the emotion, let it be there. But you don't go into that. You don't allow yourself to go into the problem solving so that your, you can, your ego can learn that it's not in charge. Or you can learn to stop identifying with those thoughts. Because those thoughts are natural. They're going to come up. But it's like the emotion wants to come up. And this is like the embodiment work. The emotion wants to come up, it wants to feel there, it wants to like move through you. And that's where we don't suppress the feeling coming up. But you do that without trying to solve it with the mind. So if that makes sense. So it's like stop responding by attaching from the mind, but you don't avoid the feeling. Yeah. And something else I want to talk about, like another form of experience, expression with the emotion would actually be like the anger rituals. I think I briefly mentioned that, like anger rituals. If you. I don't know if you've actually noticed, but there's a lot of people that say they go into anger rituals and it only amplifies their anger. It actually doesn't make them feel any better. Right. It just, it feels like it just kind of. Or it like it doesn't actually like move into anything else. It just kind of like stays there. So that could be like a form of identification, like expression with the emotion. Identification with the emotion, where you give the emotion a Voice, right? You give the thought a voice. [00:19:34] Another example was the one that I used earlier was worst case scenarios. That's a form of expressing it. You're feeding the ego. You're literally giving it what it wants. It wants to go into worst case. It wants to try and figure out what are we going to do? Are we going to be okay in that scenario? Can you prove it to me? Right, because that's what it wants. It wants control. It wants your attention. It doesn't care how it, what's getting your attention. The fact that it can somehow get your attention gives the ego a feeling of, oh, she's listening now. Yes, she's listening now. I'm in charge. That's exactly what it does. And yeah, something like to add to that is like if you'll notice, like when you solve the whatever, like you get into the limiting belief, you're like, okay, this is what I'm going to embody, this is what I'm going to believe. Now you hold that and like that, that's fine. But then your ego will have that same pattern show up in a different way. Right? Because the pattern has got. Okay, so like if we take money for example, just say I had a fear of scarcity around money coming up and I'm like, okay, well more money will come through, relax, abundance is available. Like, and I was like, you know, going into it and doing the mind work around that, the pattern there, that the shadow there is my need to control. Like that's what's actually coming up, right? Because that's where the anxious feelings are. Coming up is like, because I can't control what happens next or I can't control the situation. All these what ifs. So now what's I'm saying, oh yeah, so the pattern there is the control. So a lot of people, when you're in this work, and this is where shadow work gets really deep, is you think that the pattern is or the problem has got to do with money. So you deal with it on a mindset level. But why it like copy and paste itself onto the next problem is because you're not actually dealing with the problem, which is the control, which is what the ego is doing. So that is why when you attach and accept, express it and try to move through it by like identifying, latching, doing all the things that you, you think that you need to do to get rid of it, it will just, it might solve itself in one area, but it will copy and paste onto the next. That's exactly right. That's what Keeps happening. Right. It just keeps going to the next problem and the next problem and the next problem. And it's just. It's such an unreliable voice to listen to and to. It's actually, like, even in that book with Michael Singer, like, something he said and, like, just listen to this is like, how crazy the ego is. Love the ego. I get like, you're here to protect me. And it's like, not about, like, completely demonizing that, but when it comes to the future and it comes to some things, I'm just not gonna relax. It's like. It's so many things. It's like, I'll. I'll trust you when it's like, when I'm in a jungle. Yeah. [00:22:06] Yeah. Like, when it's actually doing its proper job. Yeah. [00:22:10] But something Michael Singer says as well is like, realizing, like, the voice and realize, like, just getting to know that voice is, like, really good as well, just to see, like, what it does. I think, like, spending some time observing, that's, like, another thing, observing the mind. Because, like, this happens a lot, right? So he used an example of, like, when you have a friendship and that person hasn't responded to your text, right? So you've sent a text to your friend, and they haven't responded in, like, three days, and there's, like, part of you. Some people might be like, whatever, I don't care. But, like, there might be a part of you that's just like, oh, they haven't responded to me. They don't care about me. Blah, blah, blah, all these things. And then on the fourth day, they respond, and then all of a sudden, how you feel about that person completely changes. And that's a really good way to, like, really start seeing, like, this voice is not reliable. And this is what's happening when it comes to your limiting beliefs. They're just. The ego is just copying and pasting. It's like a yapping voice that does not stop. Yeah, it really is like that. I love that example because it goes to show just how unreliable its voice is. It's like as soon as your outer experience changes, it's like, automatically you're thinking something else. And it's just. It's wild how. [00:23:20] It's wild to see the lengths that the ego will go in order to stay in control and to have you paying attention. And this is the work that I do with my clients that is the hardest for them to embody. And it's so funny to say out loud, because when we're saying this, like, what are we Saying we're actually telling you to do nothing. Right. Don't deal with the thought. Don't deal with the limiting belief. Don't go into the feeling. Don't express it. Don't do an anger ritual. All you have to do is witness it. Coming up. Right. So the first thing I spoke about was non expression. Don't express it. The second thing is don't resist it. That's really important as well. Something I'd love because, like, you explained this really, really well. So I was gonna say, like, are you able to like, so we have give an example. Sometimes I don't finish my words. You really don't. Don't. You're used to me understanding what you mean. So you're like not actually explaining the whole thing. Yeah, I'm gonna get better at that. That's actually something I've realized when I listen back to our episodes. I'm like, we both can do it. You do it. You're notorious for it. You like half say what you mean because you're just like, she's gonna get it. She's gonna get it. [00:24:28] You don't get it. Yeah, you don't get it. So funny. So what I was going to say is, so we're at this place where it's like, okay, we get it. Don't like it's express it. So like, don't go into it and like, you know, don't identify it. Don't solve it. Don't do any of that. Yeah, but then, you know, people have. We have emotions and we have that. We can feel that, that the resistance is in our body. Right. So it's like a lot of the time there is an urge to deal with the resistance through the mind. But it's like, well, if I can no longer like, solve it through like the ego and through all these different ways, like, what are they? Like, how do you actually shift that emotion in your body and release the feeling? Because you should feel better at the end. Like when you're having like, feelings come up. It's not about ignoring them and resisting them and being like, just ignore them. Because like, that's. I really, really want to make that clear. Like, ignoring it is not what we're saying to do in time. We're just the, like, it's just about not solving it through the mind. Yeah. So then we have these emotions come up in our body. The resistance is there. Example. Like when we're business owners, there's moments where we don't have the launches and whatever it looks like, whatever it looks like the resistance is there. Yeah. How do we actually move past these stories without no longer using the mind to problem solve them? Before we go into how to move through them, I want to talk about the one more thing that I was talking about in regards to when the emotion comes up, what not to do. So what we spoke about was expression. And then the second thing was don't resist them, Right? Yeah, don't resist the emotion. So what can we give some examples of, like, actual, like, resistance to the emotions? Like, what could that actually look like in a real life example? Yeah, so, okay, so for me, like, example, like, the best way to do it is like, business. Because I feel like businesses, like, and we have a lot of business owners. Yes. Like, yeah. On our podcast. So I'm just going to use that example. So, like. All right, so for example, you're in a launch. Oh, sorry. This dress is, like, so tight. This is like a dress from when I was. It doesn't even look that tired. Like, it feels. No, it's just like, tight in, like, random spots. Random spots. Yeah. [00:26:32] I've had to put a pillow behind me as well because I'm like, to keep myself propped up and make sure my titties aren't coming out. Like a whole thing happening right now. But yeah, the stress is like, how long have I had this dress for like, seven I've worn it. Everyone's worn everyone's wor. From when we were like, teenagers. Teenagers. No, I've lost. When I was. Sorry, I was talking about resistance. Oh, yeah. So. Oh, yeah. So, you know, you're in a launch or whatever, or you're running your business and you feel like clients aren't there or whatever the. The feeling comes up. Resisting it would be having this emotion come up and just being like, whatever. I'm just gonna ignore it. Or just being like, you don't actually like that you resist the emotion there. So these feelings comes up and you just will go about your day. The feeling will be there, and it just like sits there and it's like this energy of like. And a lot of the time we go into resistance. We go into, like, the ego takes over because the feeling can be really uncomfortable. And that's often what. What happens is, like, a lot of the time we can go to express it because that's the way the ego likes it, and then resist it. So resist it being completely just actually, it's what it sounds like. It's resistance. Ignore it. Yeah, it's like. Because it's like, if you can't deal with it. Then the ego is like, well, then I don't want to feel it because this is really uncomfortable. Yeah. And that was something I would say. The. Well, actually. So sorry, I'm fully interrupting you right now because I have the thought and I don't want to lose it. But, you know, like, if you think about it, why would you even want to express it in the first place? Like, why would you want to talk to the voice in the first place? It's because you don't want to feel it. So it comes down to resisting the feeling. Yes. So it all ties together. Yeah. And I think for me, the biggest thing that I would say, my ego, the pattern that it liked holding on to, it was less. I feel like you were more like problem. Like I was problem solving. But no, no, no. I would. No, no, no, no. I was. But I was a. Stronger at resisting it. I'm for sure. I was a lot stronger at. There was a big part of me that would suppress. Like, suppress how I felt, because it's like I almost couldn't be bothered. It's like. It's like my mind, my. Like, I guess like what I was taught and what I. Like how I dealt with that was very much like going to the worst case scenario. And then they got to a point where it's like, that's not helping. And it's like. It's like. It's like I wasn't aware that it wasn't helping, but it was like there was this part of me that's like, I can't be bothered with dealing with every limiting belief that comes out. Like, this way of doing, it doesn't. It doesn't feel good. So then naturally, like, my ego would just start unconsciously resisting it and just ignoring it. I wasn't even dealing with it. Yeah, you were a big resistor. I was a big resistor. That's true. Yeah, for sure. Yeah. No, resistance is just like, you're so uncomfortable that it all comes down to resistance. Because the other ego's uncomfortable with the feeling coming up. Exactly. You don't want to deal with the emotion. Right. So another form of resistance could also be your. [00:29:25] Oh, no, I'm not gonna say that example. I don't know what I was gonna say there. Don't even worry. But anyway, that's resistance. Anyway. You're just like. You're not allowing yourself to feel. Oh, sorry. That's what I wanted to say in regards to resistance, but. Sorry, guys, I'm back. [00:29:40] What I see people do A lot of is in the spiritual space is they learn about vibration and the importance of like, you know, like managing your vibration because your vibration attract, like, it determines what you attract into your 3D reality. So when you learn about the importance of your vibration, whenever you feel anything negative, you want to resist it because you end up freaking the fuck out that you're feeling negative. And then you attach all of this meaning to feeling negative and you're like, oh, my God. And you further, like, attach the fucking limiting. Yeah, there's this belief that, like, having a negative emotion means you're not going to manifest that it's crazy, it's wild. And like, these are all. It's just so wild because, like, even the concepts that we learn about in manifestation and spirituality has its own ego to it. Yeah, it does. It's wild. It's like if you really understand. [00:30:31] If you really understand the ego. There is a lot of things in this space that I'm like, he is fully ego. It's coming from ego. Like, even the idea of like, your. Your vibration does impact what you. Yeah, it does. But just. Do you understand? Like, it's like. But someone who is afraid of negative emotions isn't holding a high vibration. Absolutely. Holding a high vibration is actually your willingness to feel your emotions. That's what a high vibration is literally like being able to meet those emotions with love and curiosity and not attaching any meaning to them. Right. Not like when the negative thought comes up. Not going into, oh, my God. The fact that I'm feeling this means that I don't know what I'm doing, that I should know better. This is going to affect my bank account. This is going to affect my business. I shouldn't be feeling this way. That is not high vibrational. So what I always love to say with this is it doesn't matter what thoughts come up. It doesn't matter what negative belief comes up. What matters is who you are. You are when they come up. Right. So a lot of people have been taught to resist them. And what I've seen a lot of people do in the spiritual space is they gaslight themselves into thinking that they've. Are you laughing at what I look like? No, I'm laughing like I was a big gaslighter. Put a ladder on my ladder up your ass. I swear to God. Gaslight myself. You would? You would? Yeah. Sometimes my ego still does it. Like, it will still gaslight me. See what I mean? Like, through this work, it's like I understand my ego very differently now than what I did even a year ago. It's like I'm. I used to think my shadows were like, I think money runs out and things like that, which they can be, but it's like your shadows are a lot deeper and a lot more different than you think. And that's why I love coaching. It has nothing to do with the actual external things. [00:32:27] Half your money scarcity wounds are coming from deeper. It's not like what you think it is. It's like it's just copying and pasted onto it. Exactly. And you really learn that through going to the depths of doing all the fucking belief work around money, around all the things. And then you realize, oh, more money's not making me feel better. Less money doesn't make me feel better. It doesn't matter if I'm making money. If I'm not making money, that's like. It doesn't fucking matter because it's not about the physical things, like, and apply that to anything. I'm using money as the example, but in the relationship, not in the relationship. Like, all the things you feel now about when you're not in a relationship, that's all going to come up again when you're in the relationship. Yeah, that's just how it works. Yeah. Yeah. So I absolutely, like, obviously we're really, like, fucking getting our dicks hard to this conversation. We love it because I just, like, spent so much of my life. I feel like I spent so much of my life dancing with this part of me. I was like, if I could just witness and understand that my money wounds were actually coming from. [00:33:23] Yes, Childhood. Yes, that. But it's like this need to control it. Like there is deeper shadows going on. Exactly. It's like there's a point, like, it's. It's so helpful to witness, like, where we have this programming originate from, like, what you said, like childhood and things like that. It's so helpful. There's a time and place. There's a time and place. But then there comes a fucking point where it's like, all right, you're no longer the child. Yeah, you're no longer the child. But then it's like just knowing that isn't enough to get out of this energy. Yeah, it really isn't. It's. It's just like, that's helpful to, like, to understand that it's not you. But now there's like a second part to this conversation that we're having now where you actually have to know how to let go. Yeah, right. And actually get yourself to want to let go. Because that's the thing. You don't want to let go of these anxious thoughts because you're addicted to the problem solving. You're addicted to the, the ego is addicted to being in control. Right? So that's, that's why you just. Keeping you alive. It's, it's controlling. Yeah, it's alive. And just like I need you to be listening to me. That's what the ego wants. It's like, I need you to be listening. No, I'm there. Exactly. And it's just living in the future, living in the past, and it's just not, not a hot thing. So going back to what we were saying now, which was your original question, which is, okay, so now you've identified that you're resisting the emotions. And you know, you're seeing if you're gaslighting yourself, if you're expressing it, if you're identifying with the emotions too much, like, what's going on here? You've identified that. Now you're coming through back here and you're like, okay, now what do I fucking do? What do I do? How do I move out of this emotion? How do I get. Yeah, like, how do I get this? And if you see the video, what we keep doing when we say how do you move out of the emotion? Is we keep doing this movement where we're like literally going up and out, up and out. And you've been doing it this entire time as well. I've been watching you do this because that's, that's what it is. That's what it feels like when you get out of the way and you allow the emotion to be there. So what do I mean by get out of the way and allow the emotion to be there? So I'm literally going to fucking lay it out, right? This is like, this is all you have to do. So as Nadia said, you're not ignoring the limiting beliefs or anything like that. You're not ignoring the uncomfortable emotions. That's not what you should be doing because that's distracting yourself, that's resisting them. When you ignore and resist, you're just pushing the emotion back down in your body. This is how physical elements and things like that manifest because you're not allowing the energy to pass through, which is what it wants to do. Instead you're making it stagnate in the body. And when people. Can I just say one little thing just to add to this? A lot of the time people go with their, like, why does like my worst case scenarios manifest? Why Am I always manifesting this thing? And it. The reason why you are manifesting these situations that you don't like, or the parts of you that are scared and like, they're manifesting all these stories or whatever is because. Or even if you like kind of gaslight yourself into being like, okay, we're not going to believe that anymore. We're going to believe this. And it's still like a mental concept. And then you manifest what you want. But then some way, somewhat, you'll come back to the reality of like, that is because you are. Your body is still holding on to it when you resist it. And that's like, what's your vibe? It's part of your vibration. You're not actually allowing that to come forward. And that's why your worst case scenario manifests. Not because you're. You haven't done enough mental work or because you haven't dealt with the belief enough or it's still there. It's because you haven't released it properly. I love that you haven't released it properly. And it's coming up because you haven't done that. Because the energy needs to come up. It needs to move. Energy needs to be transformed. It doesn't want to stay stagnant. So it's going to find a way to come up. Bashar actually uses a really good analogy with this. He uses the analogy of like an elastic band. It's like the more you push down and resist and you don't deal, what happens is like with an elastic band, I was like, do you have an elastic band on here? There we go. It's like the more I keep doing this, it keeps getting like the pressure keeps going and going and going and going and going until it can't go anymore. That it has to like flick back up, right? And then it just has no choice but to come back up. And it comes back up with a vengeance. So what you'll actually notice, and this is something I've actually spoken about to a couple of my clients before, but whenever there's actually something for you to like, heal and move through, like there's a shadow aspect of yourself that's like, coming up, you'll notice that it gets revealed to you in little ways. And it starts off as like a little, like a little like, oh, that feels a little bit uncomfortable, but it's not enough to completely knock you off your socks. Yeah, this is why this works important because you don't have to be a shit before fucking before it manifests into your 3D and it becomes this whole big fucking thing. And then you'll notice that over months, it's going to start knocking at your door. It's going to be like, hi. And it's going to come up a little stronger each time. And when it's like, at that point. Yeah, go. I want to. Like, if you've got. I feel like you've had some really good business example where this would happen with clients. Fuck. All right, let me think about it. Okay, I try and give you an example. Wait, I finished what you were saying. But that's what it is. It's like, it comes up, like, it comes up in little bits where it, like, knocks at the door, knocks at the door. And it's coming up in, like, different strengths each time. It's like, hi, hi. Hi, hi. And then you're not dealing with it because you're like, I'm good, I'm good. I'm feeling okay. And then maybe it comes up a little bit stronger. And you go into it, you deal with it, like the mental concept way. And you're not actually dealing with it. You're dealing with it in order to resist it. And then. I don't know what happened there. My voice. [00:38:45] And then you resist it, Resist it. And it keeps coming up. And then you're getting frustrated at this point. You're like, why does this keep coming up? I'm dealing with it. Why is it still here? I've already dealt with it. I've done the limiting belief work. What the fuck, right? So now you're resisting it even more and you're getting mad at yourself. So you're literally fueling the fire now. You're making it stronger, right? And the emotions getting stronger and stronger and stronger. And you can't fucking stop it because it's building momentum because you've been ignoring it. So it's building and building and building like that elastic band analogy. And it's getting to the point where you can't. Like, you have no choice but to deal. And what ends up happening is it either manifests. So, like, it manifests into your 3D through it fucking up your internal world. Like, it kind of get. It gets to the point where it's like you can't get out of it. It's like the fear is there and you can't get out of it at the moment. Momentum is so strong at that point. Or it manifests into the actual 3D, where it gives you no choice but to actually deal with it. That's where it gets to. Right where you're like, I have no choice but to actually now deal with this emotion. And I think, like, I would love for you to give an example of, like. Because we're talking about, like, so your higher self always gives you opportunities to deal with your shit. The universe is very, very generous like that. Like, it will. You know, sometimes you wake up through a big, dramatic thing. I was actually talking to my friend about this the other day, like, how she had her spiritual awakening. Sometimes it is this big thing, but you always look back at the situation and like, you were getting nibbed by your higher self and situations in your life were happening. Like these feelings were coming up. Yeah. To be dealt with. So your high self does this. And I'd love to for you because I think, like, you've had a couple business examples where. [00:40:22] I can think of so many examples where this has happened to me. I was, like, notorious for having the thing, this manifest in my life. Because I would, like, also gaslight myself into being like, I'm good, I'm good, I'm good. Particularly when things were going really well in my reality. So when I was, like, feeling like, the vibes, and I was like, in a high vibe, whenever a negative emotional vibration would come about, I would literally be like, fuck off. Like, I don't want to deal with you. I don't want to deal with it. I don't want to. Yeah. It's like, I would resist it so much because I was in that pattern of thinking that my negative emotions were going to lead to that manifesting into my life. Right. I remember when I was being asked to actually transition to teaching business owners specifically, because at that point I was only teaching people how to do, like, intuition, sole purpose work type of vibe. And when I was asked to actually transition into business work and helping entrepreneurs, I had a lot of resistance. I had a lot of limiting beliefs. I was like, I'm not qualified, I can't do it. Blah, blah, blah, blah. Who am I to do that anyway? And I remember that I had no choice but to, like, fucking do it. So I was like, all right, do it right. So I launched one of my programs, and it was for business owners specifically. And I went on that journey of doing that. And I just, like, initiated myself into that. And it was so funny because, like, initially I had done the launch on, like, my intuition program and nobody had signed up. And I'd never had that experience before. [00:41:37] I've always had people there. That was like, your first. That was my launch. Yeah. That was my first failed Launch. So I was like, that's interesting. But I didn't even feel any certain way towards it because I knew, I knew that I was being asked to do this instead. And I said no because I was scared to follow my intuition then, but I was ignoring it. So I was ignoring the little like niggly feelings that were coming up while I was like, you know, doing this program. So things were happening in that group program. So it was more like internal things coming up. Yes. So yeah, like actually what was coming up? Just feeling. It was just like feelings of who am I to be teaching other entrepreneurs when I still have so much. I didn't feel like the main wound was feeling like you weren't qualified enough to be the teacher. Yeah, I felt like I wasn't qualified. A really big, like, belief that would come up for me was, why would somebody hire me when they could hire like a seven figure, six figure entrepreneur? Right. Yeah, that was like a big one for me. I was like, why the fuck would they hire me? I don't know what the fuck I'm doing. Because I really gave my value to those things. Right. And I actually like really had to sit with this. And I, when I sat with this belief, I was like, oh. I was like, it's because I wouldn't actually hire me. Yeah. Literally, that's how I felt. I was like, well, that's often what it is, right? Yeah. So I was like, I wouldn't actually hire me. That's why I had that. And I was just like, oh, okay, interesting. So I'm like judging myself based on like these things and just it was like based on results, how much money I was making, how many clients I was holding. Which is really funny because it was like, when I actually transitioned into doing like helping entrepreneurs specifically, that's when like my business actually blew up. Yeah. It makes sense because it was what it was what I was. [00:43:09] This is what you teach people as a business. Like, you don't teach it from a strategy lens. You teach people to own their personal, personal power. So it's like it makes sense that life was like, you're going to teach this work? And I had to like, deal with all the parts of me that felt like inadequacy. Yeah. When I wasn't like, because of like, results and what I was doing. Yeah. It was wild. Anyway, so in that container, I had all of those beliefs coming up and I was like being asked to deal with them and I really wasn't dealing with them. Great. Like I was ignoring them while you Were dealing with them or you were ignoring. So I was dealing with them in a mental level or I was ignoring feelings. Yeah, yeah. So it ended up actually manifesting into a physical experience where I literally ended up getting, like, pulled out by one of the clients that I was taking in a group container publicly in front of everyone. And I would like, yeah, I was just like, ha. And then with an experience like that, like, you're face to face with all of the beliefs that you have about yourself, all of, like, the inadequate thoughts that you have about yourself. And I was like, it's like, I had no choice but to deal with them then. But that's a good example of how I was, like, being asked to move through these feelings, but I wasn't. Yeah. And then it actually manifested as a client saying, I'm not gonna say what they said, but it's just like they kind of like called me out in the container and called you out, because I feel like. Was it that you did something wrong or like. It wasn't that I didn't do something wrong. I just did something that they didn't agree with. Right, right. So again, it's like the feeling of you being inadequate came forward. Exactly. So it's like, yeah. And it got me to, like, question myself. And I was like, first of all, I was like, lots of emotion came up because it was in front of everyone. It was in front of all the other students that I was taking. And I was like, oh, my God, I'm. I'm the teacher. And like, this is fucking, like, confronting. Yeah, this is awkward. And I was just like, what do I do? So that's a really good example of, like, life really was bringing you opportunities to it. And then it will. Your higher self will be like, okay, bitch, you're not listening. Let's go. Exactly. I will make you listen and you can deal with this once and for all. And I had no choice at that point. When I went through that, I was like, oh, well, I gotta deal with it now. And that's why your fears and shit manifest, because they just ignore. So that's resistance. Yeah, exactly. Right. So, yeah, that's a. That's a good example that I can think of. So now going back to how do you actually move through it? Right. So I'm literally going to give you the lowdown on what to do. We've been really building this up. We really have, like, how to build, like, how we keep going in, like, every which way. But this is just how we roll. Yeah. So how to actually Move through it like I referenced before. As you see, our hands are doing this a lot. So in the podcast, if you can't see the visual of what I'm doing, I'm literally, like, pushing my hands up and out. So literally from like, the root chakra all the way up to the crown chakra and out. Because that is actually the way that emotion travels through your energy body. The thing is, with the body, it is made up of energy, right? When you go down to the cells and our atoms and you see what they're made up of, it's energy, right? So your body is an energetic being, which means that it knows how to release and let go of emotion, right? It knows how to actually transmute emotion. Think about how smart your body is right now. Think about all the functions and systems that it's keeping going. It has you alive. It has everything working in homeostasis, right? It fucking knows what it's doing. This also applies to your energy. That when I, like, when I heard this example, I was like, what the fuck? Like, why did I think that I needed to do anything? Yeah, like, why did I think that you needed to do, like, why do I need to think I need to do an anger ritual or, like, get it out of me? I was like, it fucking. Your body knows how to get it out of you, which makes so much sense. Yeah, it, like, literally when I heard this for the first time, all the light bulbs in my brain just went off and I was like, what the fuck? Yeah. So that's the biggest thing I want you to hear right now. There is nothing you actually need to do. That's why we're saying do nothing. Right? Because you're not meant to get involved. Right? Your involvement, your mental, like, grasping onto it, trying to fix it, blah, blah, blah, is what's keeping you from allowing the emotion to transmute through. Right. Is there anything you want to say on that or you're good? Yeah, I just think, like, actually going and explaining, like, so, yeah, yeah. So what do. Yeah, what do I mean by that? So when the emotion comes up, what you want to do is you want to literally do nothing. What I want you to do is I want you to close your eyes and I want you to breathe. Focus on your breath, right? [00:47:55] Focus on your breath. And don't try and focus on feeling better. Don't focus on the emotion, don't focus on the thought. Focus on your breath. Pay attention to what your body's doing in this moment, because your body's going to want your body's going to clench. That's what's going to happen. Right. When you have an uncomfortable emotion. Come on. Your body tenses. Tensing is actually a form of holding on. And that's your body literally holding onto the emotion. Don't let it do that. So they have. Okay, just say someone has an emotion of like, I don't actually feel good enough, right? Yeah, I don't feel enough. So with that emotion, they can feel it. Yeah. And then your body's gonna tense. You're gonna notice your clenching. Like, your butt cheeks will clench. You'll clench. You might, like, stop breathing. Your breathing comes a little shallower. This is what happens when you're, like, paying attention to what's going on. Yeah, Right. That happens when their emotions are very strong. It can even happen when it's not. Like, because it's, like, so slight. Yeah. If you just, like, pay attention, it's like. So your breathing is a good indication of how you feel. Yeah. Your breathing really tells you. So what you want to do is, like, when the emotion is there, let go, relax. That's the biggest thing to focus on. Stop tensing your body because the tensing is holding on. It's not letting the emotion go. Right. Let go, let go. Relax your shoulders. Sag back in a seat. Whatever you're at, like, relax your face. Literally focus on that and focus on breathing. [00:49:20] Breathe in and breathe out, and that's all you're doing. [00:49:24] And then I want you to witness the emotion that's coming up from an observational point of view. Right. Get curious. Oh, that's interesting. [00:49:36] That's an interesting thought. [00:49:38] Witness the thought. I literally thought you meant something interesting. I was, like, looking at you like, that's interesting. I was like, what happened? What happened? So, yeah, like, you're in this place. Yeah. Yeah. So you're talking observer. Become the observer of the mind. And when you do this, you're going to notice that you actually, Michael Singer uses a good description word for this. And you basically see, sit in the seat of consciousness. Right. Seed of awareness. Right. So you end up just witnessing what the human is doing rather than getting involved. Yeah. So you know how we said earlier on that there are two aspects of you that are alive and aligned right now. Right. There's the aspect of you that knows the truth, and there's the aspect of you that has the limiting beliefs come up. Ego, higher self. Exactly. So you have these two aspects come up, and what's going to happen is you're going to take a seat with the higher self. And you're going to let the human do it its thing, have its worries, do whatever it needs to do and let the emotion pass through. And this is something that you just have to practice. Yeah, it's not an easy thing. It's not an easy responding. Like it's a constant practice of like, we still practice this every single day. Right. It's as you said, it's a practice that we have to do every single day. And when you do it, what's going to happen is through your. You're not doing anything, just through you relaxing and breathing and just witnessing the emotion. The emotion is going to literally travel up your body. It's going to go through your chakra system, you're going to feel it and it's going to release through the crown chakra. And when your shadows and negative frequencies are released, you become more of yourself, more of who you are, more of your truth. And this is when, like, emotions of like love and ecstasy and truth come washing in because it's who you are. So the fear starts to transmute when you're not in resistance. And it's like. Yeah, it's a really, really, like thing that you've got to keep working at. But something I want to say in regards to this is you don't have to force yourself to feel good. No, like forcing those emotions you're resisting, you're not actually feeling. Yeah, I really wanted to say. No, it is, it is. And it's like. So I'm just like thinking about this from all these different angles. So if someone is doing it right. Because this happened to me a lot. So the feeling was like, the feeling was there, you're breathing. It's like kind of like yoga, like you said before, it's like with yoga, like when you're doing a new stretch, you're in pain and it's like you just breathe through that pain and then eventually that pain stops. Right. I love that you mentioned that. Yeah. If you really want to learn how to do this, yoga has been like the biggest teacher for us in actually doing this. Right. Not responding, not identifying, not resisting, but breathing and just being in the body and just witnessing what's happening. Yeah. Really powerful practice. And what you're actually doing in these moments of like releasing the emotion, you're surrendering. So it's like this is what surrender actually is. It's like there's no form of control. It's like this feelings coming forward, you're allowing it to come forward and you just let your body like even if Your body clamps, so you release. Because that happens to me sometimes. Like, I'll release, and then my body will clench up again. You just. You just keep doing it. You keep doing it, you keep doing it, keep doing it. But oftentimes, like, something that used to happen to me is I was feeling like I'm not getting better or like it was still there. And then you get caught in that thought of, like, oh, I'm not. Like, what you said before. I'm not getting better. So what do you do in those situations? That's the mind again, trying to go into control. It's scared. It's scared that you're not doing anything about it. It's scared because you're not listening to it. It's. Perhaps the emotion is too painful, and it's like, fuck, this really hurts. I don't want to deal with this. So then it tries to distract you with, oh, it's not working. It's not working. We may as well stop this. Right? And it's like, you know, keep going, keep going. That's still a form of control. That is still the mind trying to work through this, through a mental concept. It's. It's. It's still trying to get you by the balls. Yeah. And all you want to do is, again, just let go. It's gonna be a little bit difficult at the start because you're not used to it. And sometimes it can take a little while. Sometimes it takes me 10 minutes to sit there. Yeah. And release something. Yeah, yeah. Release the emotion. And it's like a con. It's like I'm releasing it. Clench again. Release, clench. And then eventually, when you don't put pressure on yourself. You know what I mean? When you're not in this state of, like, I need to feel better or whatever. Yeah. Oh, I need to do this to feel better, like, as well. Yeah, yeah. Those narratives, it's like, no, stop, stop, stop, stop. Mentor. And you're. The more you practice doing this, the more you'll get. I feel like it just gets easier and you get smarter at it. And you get. So, like, for me now, like, when that feeling of, like, you're not doing this properly. So what I would do in those moments of, like, this is not working or whatever, obviously not as much anymore, but I would breathe through that. So, like, that's another wound, another shadow coming up. Exactly that. Yeah. And you breathe through that, and you breathe through that. And then you notice, like, when you let yourself do it. Sorry I keep talking over you, but honestly, I Have so much to say about when this happens. It's like, you. What's gonna happen is so many narratives are gonna come up. Yeah. Because your mind's gonna try and get you right. So it's gonna be like, but what about this? But what about this? But what about this? Right. And you're just, like, not getting into it. I remember when I first started doing this, I would get really fucking sucked. Sucked into it. Like, oh, yeah. It's very easy to get something. Yeah. I would, like, believe it. And I'd be like, oh, no, it's right. There's this to work through. [00:54:46] Yeah. And, like, honestly, like, this has been, like, the biggest game changer. Like, this has helped me a lot with money. Just something I would all. I was the biggest problem solver with money. So then, like, when I was, like, practicing releasing, because I was releasing the part of me that was like, I need to figure this out. So the part of me that was like, we should visualize, we should affirm, we should think this way. I needed to release any part of me that was in that identity of doing that. And this was, like, such a game changer. I feel like it's been such a game changer. And it was like, for me too. Yeah. It changed my life. Yeah. It has changed the way that I've done. Like, I don't. I'm saying in terms of, like, business, but in terms of my quality of life. Yeah. Because I feel like I'm no longer living in, like, what ifs of the future and trying to transmute the past. Instead, I'm just like, I'm good with all of it. And I'm so, like, I'm not even, like, resisting pain anymore because that was a big thing for me. I was so scared to feel pain. Yeah. Now, like, understanding that my body can really transmute and. Yeah. I get to learn so much from pain. Like, that was my biggest teacher. So now knowing that, like, I'm okay with anything that happens because I know that I have this, like, technique and I don't have to actually figure anything out. Like, all I have to do is just be with myself and witness and, like. Like, that's it. Like, it just feels so freeing. I feel like there was a part of me that was, like, my body was, like, really starting to reject all the belief work, all that. Not. Yeah. When I say belief work, like, your whole universe is made up of belief. I'm not saying that you, like, you know, like, we don't have limiting beliefs and things like that. What I'M saying is the way I would deal with my beliefs was very much like subconscious rewiring and all of that. And like I just, I. Obviously what we're doing and when you're releasing the emotion, you are rewiring your brain, you are rewiring the way you approach things. It's just a different way of doing it. Well, the thing is we had done that. It's like we were, we had grown beyond that conversation but we weren't like we weren't getting this part of it right. Well you weren't. [00:56:39] It was like you're rewiring it from your mind but not your body. So it's like when you release that emotion naturally, what happens is your higher self does come forward and you remember the truth. It's like you get into feelings of it, let's say got scarcity around money, the frequencies of abundance. Come forward because it's like this. The emotion has left and your human is no longer like in those moments. So it's like you are rewiring the way you're thinking. You naturally start going into different ways of thinking. But you don't need to sit there writing it down every single day, blah blah, blah, blah blah. Because this is all mental mind work. It is absolutely fucking wild with how this works, honestly. But I hope like you've actually gained a lot from this episode of recognizing because I feel like not. You don't hear it a lot in this space when it comes to like limiting beliefs and intrusive thoughts, anxious attachment, like it's just we. I'm just so passionate about like actually going into the detail of like what happens at a mind level. Me too. And I love like actually giving you like tangible. Okay then if this doesn't work, what does work? Like I think that's been a big part of our journey. Yeah. To figure out like okay energetically the depths of how do you actually like release an emotion. How do you not identify with limiting beliefs? And I, I love that we do that. Like we're so deep. We're so deep. And I think like the biggest thing for me has been like hope. I hope you recognize like the role that your ego is playing. And a lot of like these like concepts we learn around manifestation and limiting belief work like the ego is involved and like it's a role. So. Yeah. Yeah. Because it really does actually keep you in these like cycles where nothing ever gets gets better. You never get through it. It just feels like a never ending cycle. Yes. So yeah, I feel like that's everything we wanted to share on it. We would love to hear your takeaways as well. Your thoughts, please share with us on YouTube. There's a little comment section. You can share your comments below. We love, love, love to hear from you. DM us on Instagram. We love to have these chats with you and let us know that you're liking the episodes by liking this on YouTube. Subscribing to the YouTube channel. 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